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Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship Accepting Nominations

By John Krumm, Microsoft Research

Nominations are open for the 2021 Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship through February 22, 2021. Eligible faculty will then be contacted in early March to submit their proposals by March 29, 2021.

The Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship recognizes emerging leaders in the field of computing who have exceptional talent for research and innovation. Qualifying faculty must have received their terminal degree in May 2016 or later, and their research must be closely related to the general research areas carried out by Microsoft Research. These full-time faculty members must also conduct research, advise graduate students, and teach in the classroom in North or South America. Provisions of the award include $100,000 USD awarded annually for two years starting in the fall of 2021.
Early-career faculty must be nominated by their university or a researcher at Microsoft. We will accept a maximum of three nominations per university. If a university nominates more than one faculty, then the other one or two nominees should help us increase the opportunities for faculty who are underrepresented in the field of computing. This includes those who self-identify as a woman, African American, Black, Hispanic, Latinx, American Indian, Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and/or person with a disability.
You can read more about the fellowship and find nomination instructions on our website: 2021 Microsoft Research Faculty Fellowship. You may also consider sharing the announcement within your communities including on social media: FacebookTwitter, and Instagram.
For questions, please contact Microsoft Research Fellowships
For more information on our offerings for faculty and students visit our Academic Programs.
Thank you,
John Krumm
Chair, MSR Faculty Fellowship
Senior Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research