CRA Bulletin

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New NSF Faculty Fellowship Opportunities in Quantum Computing & Information Science

The NSF Directorate for Computer & Information Science & Engineering (CISE) has just announced a new program, NSF 19-507, NSF Quantum Computing & Information Science Faculty Fellows (QCIS-FF).  This program aims to grow academic research capacity in the computing and information science fields to support advances in quantum computing and/or communication over the long term.  QCIS-FF seeks to support departments and schools in U.S. institutions of higher education that conduct research and teaching in computer science, information science, and/or computer engineering, with the specific goal of encouraging the hiring of tenure-track and tenured faculty in quantum computing and/or communication.  To this end, NSF provides funding to cover the entire academic year salary and benefits of the qualified newly recruited tenure-track or tenured faculty members for a duration of up to three years.  The total budget is not to exceed $750,000 per proposal, with up to two awards per institution, across all departments in any given institution. Department chairs/heads or their designees can apply to this solicitation. Further details are available at: