September 28, 2017
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Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall
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During the Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall Event, you will join students from around the world in a virtual mentoring event where you will learn about cutting edge research in the field of computing. You will have the opportunity to ask distinguished computer scientists any questions you might have.
Research Presentation: Inferring User Context from Smartphone Data
Smartphones generate significant information about their users. User context, including location, activities, and preferences, can be inferred through smartphone data. In this talk, Preeti Bhargava will give an overview of common techniques and approaches used for modeling user insights from their smartphone data. Preeti will focus on techniques and challenges of indoor localization and applications in activity recognition.
Mentoring Topic: Graduate School Application and Admission Process
In this discussion, Preeti will describe the preparation needed for going from being a Computer Science undergraduate to a Ph.D. program. She will go into detail on what graduate school is like for Computer Science students including key milestones and how to achieve them.
Post-Discussion Chat: Join Preeti Bhargava & Lori Pollock for a chat to continue the discussion about graduate school applications and admissions, meet fellow students, and share your experiences.
Join us September 28th at 7:00pm ET

Speaker: Preeti Bhargava, Senior Research Engineer, Lithium Technologies
Host: Lori Pollock, Professor at the University of Delaware
All are welcome to participate. Register here.
Please join us 15 minutes before the presentation begins, in order to not miss any valuable information. The entire webinar event will last 1 hour. After the webinar we will host an interactive chat among attendees and the speaker, for 30 minutes. The event is broken into five sections:
Preeti Bhargava presents on “Inferring User Context from Smartphone Data”
Open Q&A
Preeti Bhargava discusses “Graduate School Application and Admission Process”
Open Q&A
Interactive chat forum with Preeti Bhargava and attendees
Are you part of an ACM-W chapter or Women in CS/CSE group? Check out our flyer on how to participate in this webinar event as a group!