December 1, 2016
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Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall
Event Type
Event Category
Undergraduate Research, Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall, Webinar
During the Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall Event, you will join students from around the world in a virtual mentoring event where you will learn about cutting edge research in the field of computing. You will have the opportunity to ask distinguished computer scientists any questions you might have.
Discussion: How and Why to Get Involved in Undergraduate Research
Katherine Sittig-Boyd is a three-time Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates (CREU) program participant and one-time Distributed Research Experience for Undergraduates (DREU) program participant. During her undergraduate career at Simmons College, Katherine’s research focused on topics ranging from computational linguistics to human gesture analysis. As a rising senior, Katherine participated in the DREU program at the University of Southern California, where she researched turn length in human conversations and applied it to a social robotics solution. Katherine’s presentation will focus on effective ways to become involved in undergraduate research, how to identify research topics that will make for engrossing and fulfilling projects, and some examples of projects she was able to work on during her undergraduate career. Additionally she will address how her research experiences have impacted her own career in industry in a positive way.
Post-Discussion Chat:
Join Katherine Sittig-Boyd & Gail Murphy for a chat to continue the discussion about undergraduate research, meet fellow students, and share your experiences.
Speaker: Katherine Sittig-Boyd, Data Analyst for the Boston Data Group. Katherine Sittig-Boyd is a three-time Collaborative Research Experience for Undergraduates (CREU) program participant and one-time Distributed Research Experience for Undergraduates (DREU) program participant.
Host: Gail Murphy, Professor in the Department of Computer Science and Associate Dean (Research & Graduate Studies) in the Faculty of Science at the University of British Columbia.
All are welcome to participate, register here.
Please join us 15 minutes before the presentation begins, in order to not miss any valuable information. The entire webinar event will last 1 hour. After the webinar we will host an interactive chat among attendees and the speaker, for 30 minutes. The event is broken into 3 sections:
- Katherine Sittig-Boyd presents presentation on “Getting Involved in Undergraduate Research”
- Open Q&A
- Interactive chat forum with Katherine Sittig-Boyd and attendees
Are you part of an ACM-W chapter or Women in CS/CSE group? Check out our flyer on how to participate in this webinar event as a group!