Amusing Diversion: E-voting

Dave Barry on electronic voting: Low-carb leader will get my vote.
Here’s a bit:

So this year many states are switching to electronic voting machines, which use computer technology — the same reliable, foolproof technology we use in the newspaper industry to wwr _)(%$@!@hkjhou((*7**%$ ERROR ERROR DELETING EVERYTHING FROM DAWN OF TIME
Whoops! It turns out that things CAN go wrong with computer technology. One big concern is that electronic voting machines could be tampered with by ”hackers,” as was the case recently when an 11-year-old New Jersey boy named Jason Feeblehonker, using only his GameBoy, was able to get himself elected governor of both North Carolina and Wisconsin. (He’s actually doing a decent job, although some state police officers are not thrilled about having to carry light sabers.)

Read the whole thing (via the Miami Herald).

Amusing Diversion: E-voting