CR Impacts on NSF

NSF has released some data on the impact of a “continuing resolution” on the agency for FY 2007, something we have discussed previously in this space. It confirms essentially what we expected: programs will have reduced funding for FY 2007 or be put on hold and award rates and award size will decline signficantly. Some examples:

Overall budget would be $4.175 billion, $400 million below the Adminstration’s request and $168 million below the FY 2004 budget in constant dollars ($4.343 billion);

Will reduce the number of new grants by 10% and the funding rate by 20%

Reductions in programs will include: International Polar Year, Petascale Supercomputer Acquisitions ($50 million for the Office of Cyber Infrastructure’s Petascale Computing system), Explosives and Related Threats, Science of Science and Innovation Policy, and Engineering Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation

New starts that would potentially be on hold are the Alaska Region Research Vessel, National Ecological Observatory Network, and Ocean Observatories Initiative

Administrative costs have risen by $8 million from FY06 to FY07 and offsets in services and infrastructure will be required

Dr. Arden Bement, Director of NSF, posted a letter regarding the CR impacts online. The letter states:

The outlook for the remainder of the fiscal year remains highly uncertain, with one possibility being an extension of funding at the current level. While we are acutely aware of the tight constraints on the available budgetary resources, NSF is continuing to issue program announcements and solicitations as previously planned.
It is likely, however, that NSF may be unable to fund a number of activities planned for this fiscal year. We believe it is important for NSF’s grantee community to be aware of this uncertainty, as a number of activities may be affected later in the fiscal year.

Stay tuned and we will update you on the CR status and impacts to agencies as we learn more.

CR Impacts on NSF