Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: American Competitiveness Initiative

Highlighting Cyberinfrastructure

NSF Director Arden Bement encouraged colleges and universities to expand high speed networking tools as a path to innovation in a speech to The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Technology Forum yesterday. The Chronicle article on the speech is available for free here for the next five days and then to subscribers only here. A couple […]

Task Force Event Thursday!

In the previous entry, I mentioned that the Task Force on the Future of American Innovation (of which CRA is a member) was planning an event on November 16th to release its “Benchmarks II” report and press Congress to finish its good work on funding the President’s American Competitiveness Initiative. Well, we can now share […]

The Tenure Gender Gap

A National Academies report published this week discussing the gap between women and men in science academia is getting decent press in the national media. Both Newsweek and the New York Times have pieces covering the Academies’ report “Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering.” Both articles make […]

SBIR Increase from Research Agencies’ Budgets

New legislation has been introduced in the Senate to expand the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program. While this is not in and of itself a bad thing, the correlating increase in the budget could actually hit the research agencies hard. The SBIR program is funded by a tax on federal research agencies (those doing […]

First Details of Senate Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations…

…and they look pretty good! Better than we thought, certainly. You’ll recall we worried that the President’s American Competitiveness Initiative would face problems in the Senate due to the need to pay for cuts to NOAA and NASA in the President’s budget. But the Senate Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Subcommittee marked up their bill today […]

Hill Visits

CRA is a member of the Coalition for National Science Funding — an organization comprising over 100 different scientific societies, universities, and industrial advocates for federal support of fundamental research. As part of their advocacy efforts, CNSF sponsors a “Hill Visits Day,” which is an opportunity for members of the research community to come to […]

With Passage of SSJC Appropriations, House Votes to Fully Fund ACI

The House today approved increasing funding for two key science agencies called out for increases in the President’s American Competitiveness Initiative last February. The House passed the FY 2007 Science, State, Justice, Commerce Appropriation bill by a large margin (393-23), approving an increase of nearly 8 percent to the budget of the National Science Foundation […]