Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Computing Community Consortium (CCC)

CRA and CCC Announce New Call for Computing Innovation Fellows

From the Computing Community Consortium blog (and CIFellows website): The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) and the Computing Research Association (CRA), with anticipated funding from the National Science Foundation, are pleased to announce a new call for Computing Innovation Fellows (CIFellows) for the 2010-11 academic year.  The CIFellows Project is an opportunity for new Ph.D. graduates […]

Prizes and Computing Research

Ran Libeskind-Hadas, a member of the Computing Community Consortium’s Council and a professor at Harvey Mudd College, has an interesting post today on the CCC blog asking, in light of the recent Netflix Prize announcement, whether prizes are a viable mechanism for encouraging research in the computing fields. From Netflix’s perspective, the answer is almost […]

Healthcare Robotics Briefing

Yesterday the Congressional Robotics Caucus, chaired by Rep. Mike Doyle (D-PA) and Rep. Phil Gingrey (R-GA), hosted a briefing on healthcare robotics. Four speakers addressed various aspects of robotics in healthcare. They were: Tandy Trower, Microsoft, who spoke on Healthcare Challenges and Robotic Solutions; Maja Mataric, University of Southern California, who spoke on Socially Assistive […]

Two Hill Briefings This Week

Two events this week on Capitol Hill that CRA will be involved in. First, there will be a Congressional STEM Education Caucus and Congressional Black Caucus briefing on CS education called “Bringing Innovative Computing Curriculum across the Digital Divide” that CRA is co-sponsoring with ACM, CSTA, NCWIT, SWE, IEEE-USA, and Microsoft. The briefing will cover […]

CCC Looking for “Game Changers” in Computing, Picks Four of its Own

The Computing Community Consortium is looking for help with a brainstorming exercise. Here’s what they have in mind: Identify about a dozen game-changing advances from computing research conducted in the past 20 years. Here’s what we mean: The advance needs to be “game changing,”in the sense of dramatically altering how we think about computing and […]

Announcing the Computing Research Highlight of the Week

Today, as part of CRA’s mission to improve public and policymaker understanding of the importance of computing and computing research, we’re pleased to announce the launch of a new feature on the CRA and CCC web pages: the Computing Research Highlight of the Week. Each week, we’ll highlight some of the exciting and important research […]

We Want Your Research Highlights!

A couple of small announcements: First, those of you who attended CRA’s biennial conference at Snowbird last week already heard this call, but for those who didn’t (or who need to be reminded), we want your research highlights! CRA and the Computing Community Consortium are in the process of gathering recent computing research highlights to […]