Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Computing Education

Could it be? ESEA Nears Final Passage!

Congress has a well-earned reputation for doing little-to-nothing, legislatively speaking. When the newly installed Republican Congress promised to move on the reauthorization of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), a bill that had not been reauthorized since No Child Left Behind was pasted into law in 2001, and had expired eight years ago, most people thought it would go nowhere. Over the last year Congress has proved the naysayers wrong.’s Successful Hour of Code Campaign Returns for 2014, featuring characters from Disney’s Frozen

With their wildly successful 2013 drive under their belt, is ready to reach even more students with their 2014 Hour of Code (HOC) campaign. This year’s HOC, featuring Anna and Elsa from Disney’s Frozen, will be a one-hour activity where students, “will learn to write code to help Anna and Elsa create snowflakes and […]

About that WashPost Column on the Value of a CS Degree…

If your Facebook and Twitter feeds are anything like mine, you’re no doubt already aware of the rather unfortunate August 27th column in the Washington Post penned by small-business owner Casey Ark headlined “I studied computer science, not English. I still can’t find a job.” In it, Ark laments that the degree he received at […]

Good job news for CS majors!

Good news, computer science majors: you’ll make more money, on average, in your first job after college! According to a recent report by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE), engineering and computer science majors, on average, make twice as much as their humanities and social science peers in their starting jobs; they even […]

“Make Computer Science Count,” Founder Hadi Partovi Says to Congress

Despite strong current and projected future demand for computer science skills in nearly every field, most K-12 schools don’t offer computer science and most students don’t get exposure to it on any level, founder Hadi Partovi told a congressional panel last Thursday. Testifying before the House Science Subcommittee on Research and Technology hearing on […] goes before Congress’s amazingly successful Hour of Code campaign will get some further congressional attention on Thursday as the House Science Subcommittee on Research and Technology will hear from founder Hadi Partovi as part of a hearing on “Private Sector Programs that Engage Students in STEM”. It starts at 10am and will be webcast live (check […]

Briefing on Undergraduate STEM Intitatives

The House STEM Education Caucus hosted a briefing on various STEM programs occurring at the undergraduate level, in conjunction with the Association of American Universities (AAU), Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU), the Business Higher Education Forum, and the Research Corporation of Science Advancement. Each organization spoke about the need for such STEM […]