Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: CRA

Boston Globe: In computer science, a growing gender gap

The Boston Globe has a great, fairly in-depth piece today on the declining interest of women in computer science. Reporter Marcella Bobardieri writes: Born in contemporary times, free of the male-dominated legacy common to other sciences and engineering, computer science could have become a model for gender equality. In the early 1980s, it had one […]

CRA Bulletin Now a Blog

For several years now CRA has sent anyone who was interested an electronic bulletin containing links to items of interest to the computing research community. While the content was always useful, the desire to aggregate links and not bombard subscribers with e-mail after e-mail meant that we’d let the bulletin ripen until we’d accumulated enough […]

CRA Welcomes New Fellow

As you may have noted from the post below, there’s a new face at CRA World HQ. For the first year, CRA is participating in the Tisdale Fellowship Program, which has been bringing college students to Washington, D.C. for internships that explore current public policy issues of critical importance to the high technology sector of […]

CNSF Exhibition: Science on Capitol Hill

Tuesday marked the 11th annual Coalition for National Science Funding science exhibition and reception on Capitol Hill, an event that brings together 31 universities and scientific associations (including CRA) to highlight for Members of Congress and staff some of the interesting and important research supported by the National Science Foundation. This year CRA was ably […]

CRA-W Wins NSB Public Service Award

CRA’s Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research received one of two 2005 Public Service Awards presented by the National Science Board in recognition of CRA-W’s dedication “to increasing the number and success of women participating in Computer Science and Engineering research and education.” The board noted three CRA-W projects in particular: Career […]

The New CRA-Bulletin is Out!

CRA’s CRA-Bulletin is a free electronic bulletin that aims to inform about timely events we think will be of interest to computing researchers. This edition’s topics (frequent blog readers will have seen some of these before…): National Academies Releases Report Evaluating DOD Basic Research Competitiveness Report Cites Need for "Significantly" Increased Federal R&D Funds Increases […]