Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Funding

Computing R&D in the President’s Budget Request

CRA annually contributes a chapter to the AAAS R&D Budget book. Our chapter, which is below, focuses on the policy issues surrounding computing and the NITRD budget cross-cut. The entire book is available at AAAS R&D site next week. HIGHLIGHTS Funding for the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) program would increase 1.9 […]

IT Research Remains a Priority in President’s FY12 Budget Request

The President released his FY12 Budget Request to Congress this morning. We’ll take close-up looks at several of the key science agency budget requests as the day goes on, but here’s a first look at the overall picture. From the Analytical Perspectives on the Budget: The Administration recognizes the Government’s role in fostering scientific and […]

House Approps Proposes Even More Cuts for NSF, DOE

The House Appropriations Committee released their spending cuts version 2.0 — after having their previous attempt to cut $74 billion from the President’s request for non-defense discretionary spending savaged by conservative Republicans in the House —  and NSF and DOE both face significant cuts. The appropriators went back and took another look at their first […]

NSF Fares (Suprisingly) Well, DOE Does Not, in Proposed Approps Cuts for FY11

Update: (Feb 11, 2011) – They’ve released version 2.0 of the proposal… Update: Um, nevermind. After conservative Republicans savaged the proposed $32 billion in cuts as inadequate, House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers pledged to come back with a proposal that would cut $100 billion, potentially putting NSF right back under the crosshairs. Here’s Roger’s statement: […]

America COMPETES Rises From Ashes; However, Appropriations Punted to February

Today the House voted to pass a revised version of the America COMPETES Act, a bill that would reauthorize several key science agencies and STEM Education programs, completing an unlikely resurrection of a bill most in the science advocacy community (including this correspondent) figured was dead in this session. COMPETES has been through quite a […]

President Continues Push for Innovation

President Obama yesterday invoked the specter of a “Sputnik moment” in competitiveness facing the country and re-emphasized his commitment to invest in innovation, infrastructure and education during a speech in North Carolina. Here’s the meat: You go to Shanghai, China, and they’ve built more high-speed rail in the last year than we’ve built in the […]

President’s Deficit Commission Co-Chairs Say R&D Investments Should Be Protected

The two co-Chairs of the President’s “National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform” — a bi-partisan committee charged by the President with coming up with solutions to the “fiscal challenges” the nation faces over the medium and long term — set off quite a kerfuffle today by releasing a set of draft recommendations that call […]

Revisiting “The Gathering Storm”…now Approaching Cat 5 Status

The same committee that gathered five years ago to produce the highly-influential “Rising Above the Gathering Storm” National Academies study has reassembled to revisit the report and has come to even gloomier conclusions about the state of our innovation ecosystem. They’ve released a new version of the report at a congressional briefing today. This is […]

NSF Fares Well in First FY11 Appropriations Mark

The House Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriations Subcommittee has marked up it’s FY11 appropriations bill and approved a healthy increase for the National Science Foundation. The committee approved essentially the President’s requested increase for NSF, about an 8 percent increase in FY11 vs. FY10. Here’s a breakdown. It appears that NSF’s Research and Related Activities account […]