Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Funding

NSF and NIST Appropriations Numbers Released

The first numbers from the House Science, State, Justice, Commerce appropriations subcommittee are out and it appears Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) made good on his promise to “take care of” the ACI-targeted agencies within “his” bill. From the committee’s press release, just sent out: National Science Foundation receives $6 billion, the full amount requested as […]

Senate Commerce Committee Approves Key Innovation Authorization; Commits to a Hearing on Computing

The Senate Commerce Committee unanimously approved a bill yesterday that would increase the authorization for two key science agencies, create a new program of “Innovation Acceleration Grants” at federal agencies, create a council to oversee basic research efforts at NASA, and direct the National Academies to study “forms of risk that create barriers to innovation.” […]

First Appropriations Numbers for ACI

The first appropriations numbers for elements of the President’s American Competitiveness Initiative are starting to percolate out, and they’re good. The House Energy and Water Appropriations subcommittee marked up their FY07 E&W Approps bill today, which contains funding for Department of Energy’s Office of Science. The appropriators have included the full funding requested by the […]

Sen. Sununu on Competitiveness and R&D

Sen. John Sununu (R-NH), known as one of the biggest budget hawks on the Hill (in fact, he’s the highest ranked “taxpayers’ friend” in the Senate, according to the National Taxpayers Union) has his take on the current push for competitiveness legislation in today’s Washington Times. While it’s not surprising that he sees lots of […]

House Republicans Ignore R&D in Innovation and Competitiveness Bill

Demonstrating how much work remains to be done with the House Republican leadership, the House Republican “High-tech Task Force” led by Rep. Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) today introduced its “Innovation and Competitiveness Act,” which wholly ignores the central recommendation of the President’s American Competitiveness Initiative, two bi-partisan bills in the Senate, the National Academies “Gathering Storm” […]

ACI: Details of the NSF, DARPA and DOE Office of Science FY07 Requests

As promised, we’ve got some further detail on the individual agency budget requests for FY 2007 and what those requests might mean for computing research. But before diving into that, I thought I’d point out that the FY 2007 NITRD Budget Supplement produced by the NITRD National Coordinating Office is now available in a pre-print […]

President’s Budget: NITRD Numbers for FY07

The President’s budget request for FY 2007 has just been released and we’ll be dissecting it and providing our analysis as we get through it. But I wanted to post a quick snapshot of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development program, the federal government’s multi-agency IT research and development effort, because 1) it’s […]

American Competitiveness Initiative: First Numbers Posted

We have so much to catch up on in the wake of the President’s State of the Union speech and his introduction of an American Competitiveness Initiative that I’m feeling a little overwhelmed. So let me start to wade through the torrent of new material. First, the White House has posted the supporting documentation for […]

It’s about Competitiveness, Stupid…: Competitiveness, Innovation and the State of the Union

Ok, so that’s about the most played-out cliche in politics, but it’s hard to come up with another phrase that encapsulates how pervasive the competitiveness meme has become in science policy circles — and more encouragingly, in the words of administration and congressional policymakers — over the last year. Also, apologies for going sort of […]