Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Funding

NSF Funding Rumors

The Senate Appropriations Committee next week will apparently move their version of the VA-HUD-Independent Agencies appropriations bill that includes funding for the National Science Foundation and NASA. I’ve been told from a couple of different sources that NSF will fare better in the Senate bill than it did in the House version of the bill […]

OMB Guidance to Agencies: High End Computing, Cyberinfrastructure are Priorities

The White House Office of Management and Budget — the gatekeepers of agency budgets in the executive branch — and OSTP have issued guidance to federal science agencies (pdf, 360kb) directing them to make high end computing and cyberinfrastructure investments a priority in their FY 2006 budget requests, even at the expense of “lower-priority” research […]

NSF Funding: Get Involved!

Apologies for the slow pace of updates recently. Things are a bit slow around DC this time of year. Congress is in recess for the month of August so that the Members can head home to their respective districts for primaries and lots of campaigning. They’ll be back September 7th, hoping to “wrap up” work […]

Forbes on Supercomputing

Matthew Swibel covers federal funding for supercomputing today in Forbes (and quotes CRA). U.S. Plays Supercomputer Catch-up. (I usually don’t link to the print version of articles, but Forbes is using some sort of ad displaying script that isn’t playing nicely with my Safari browser on the Mac…)

More Detail on NSF Cuts in House Approps Bill

I’ve managed to get my hands on the as yet unreleased committee report for the House VA-HUD-Independent Agencies appropriations bill, which contains some additional detail about the nature of the cuts planned for NSF in FY 2005 (first covered here). The committee has included some accounting changes in addition to the cuts proposed, which makes […]

INDUCE Act Hearing Tomorrow

The Senate Judiciary Committee will hold a hearing on Chairman Orrin Hatch’s INDUCE Act — a dangerous piece of legislation that ostensibly protects copyright by making liable anyone who “intentionally aids, abets, induces or procures” a copyright violation. As Intel VP Les Vadasz writes in today’s WSJ: Sen. Hatch and others argue that the bill […]

NSF and NASA Lose in House VA-HUD Approps Markup

NSF and NASA would both suffer significant cuts under legislation approved in a House Appropriations Subcommittee. Here are the first NSF numbers from the subcommittee committee markup of the House VA-HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations bill. Apparently the full committee will move the bill on Friday: NSF Funding Levels From the VA-HUD-Independent Agencies Appropriations Subcommittee Markup(in millions […]

Catching Up: NIST Appropriations

The House passed it’s version of the Commerce, Justice, State Appropriations bill on Thursday which includes funding for National Institute of Standards and Technology. The good news is that the bill includes an increase of funding for core programs at NIST — though it’s still below the President’s requested level — and includes language urging […]

Post from Snowbird: Catching Up with Hearing News

So I’m well ensconced in the Cliff Lodge at the Snowbird Resort in Snowbird, Utah, preparing for CRA’s biannual Snowbird Conference, but finally have a chance to catch up on the blog. As reported, former CRA Gov’t Affairs Committee Chairman and current Co-chair of PITAC Ed Lazowska testified before the House Government Reform Subcommittee on […]

Administration says more Cyber Security Research and IT Security Personnel Needed

Thanks to Jeff Grove of ACM for pointing out this story (subscription req’d), by William New, in National Journal’s Tech Daily (sub req’d) covering remarks by Department of Homeland Security Chief Security Officer Jack Johnson, DHS Chief Information Officer Steve Cooper, and FAA Deputy Director Thomas O’Keefe suggesting the great need for information security professionals […]