Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: FY08 Appropriations

NSF Study Confirms that Federal R&D and CS Funding Decreased for Second Straight Year

The Chronicle of Higher Ed yesterday covered the release of a National Science Foundation Info Brief on the decline of U.S. funding for academic research for the second straight year, noting that NSF declares the decline “unprecedented for this data series, which began in 1972.” Though federal funding for academic research technically increased from FY […]

Science Appears in Final FY 08 Emergency Supplemental, But Only Just Barely

A symbolic (and that’s about all) victory for science in managing to get included in the FY 08 Emergency Supplemental Appropriation approved by the House today, though the amounts leave a lot to be desired. Even though the funding levels are pretty anemic, at least some money appeared in the bill. The great majority of […]

WSJ Op-Ed on Missing Leadership in Science

Two Nobel Prize winners have an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal (sub. req’d) today regarding the need to make science a top priority of the next Administration. David Baltimore and Ahmed Zewail write that the next President needs to have an Office of Science and a science advisor at the White House in order […]

Grassroots Effort to Urge Support for Science Funding in Supplemental

Here’s a note sent to members of our Computing Research Advocacy Network. You can join, too!: ACTION REQUEST: Call your U.S. Senators, your Representative in the House, and the White House this week to urge support for science funding in the FY 08 Supplemental. WHY?: Though the FY 08 Appropriations process ended with an omnibus […]

AEA Cyberstates 2008 Report Released

While the economic news coming from most areas has been fairly poor in recent weeks, the American Electronics Association (AEA) Cyberstates 2008 report does have some good job news. Cyberstates 2008, which was released this week, showed job growth in technology and engineering of over 91,000 jobs in 2007. The news isn’t all good, however, […]

FY 09 Budget Close-Up: National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation (along with all other federal agencies) released its FY 09 Budget Request to Congress on Monday. We’ve already had some preliminary coverage of it, noting that, on the whole, computing research does pretty well. Late Monday afternoon NSF hosted a briefing on its budget to provide a little finer resolution look […]

Computing Research Appears to Do Well in First Look at FY 09 Budget Numbers

The President’s budget request for FY 2009 is now online and we’ve done a quick read through to glean some numbers of interest to the computing research community. These will likely be refined over the next few days as we figure out exactly what’s in there and what’s not, but it’s a pretty good indication […]