Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: People

Cyber Security Report Released

The National Research Council of the National Academies of Science released a new report on cyber security and research called “Toward a Safer and More Secure Cyberspace.” The report is available for free online at the National Academies Press. The report lists three broad categories that lack of cyber security falls into: First is the […]

Attracting Women to Computer Science

While we see articles about the decline of computer science majors, particularly women, almost daily, the latest issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education has an interesting piece (sub. req’d.) about what a couple of universities are doing to attract and retain women in computer science programs. Lucy Sanders of the National Center for Women […]

NY Times on Women’s Interest in Computing

The New York Times yesterday had a nice piece on the declining interest of women in computer science, the impact on the field, and some efforts to reverse the trend. Here’s a snippet: CAMBRIDGE, Mass. — For decades, undergraduate women have been moving in ever greater numbers into science and engineering departments at American universities. […]

Eugene Spafford Honored with ACM President’s Award

CRA Board member, Eugene Spafford, has received the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) President’s Award for “his long and effective leadership on issues of computer security and policy, professional responsibility, and the Internet.” The award, given to only seven previous recipients since 1985, will be presented in June in San Diego. The award is given […]

Lazowska Named Chair of Computing Community Consortium

The Computing Research Association is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Edward Lazowska, Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, as the inaugural Chair of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Council. This appointment was made after extensive consultations with computing research leaders, the Interim CCC Council […]

Frances Allen Receives Turing Award

Frances E. Allen, a former CRA Board member, has received the 2006 A.M. Turing Award from the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), the first time a woman has been given this honor. Allen, an IBM Fellow at the TJ Watson Research Center, was chosen “for contributions that fundamentally improved the performance of computer programs in […]

Ken Kennedy

The New York Times has a nicely-written obituary for computing pioneer Ken Kennedy, penned by John Markoff. Here’s a snippet: A member of the generation of researchers who were the first to have access to modern supercomputers, Mr. Kennedy spearheaded early work on software programs known as parallelizing compilers, systems that can automatically spread workloads […]

Jeannette Wing New CISE AD at NSF

Since it’s apparently official, we can spread the word that the new head of NSF’s Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate is Jeannette Wing, president’s professor and head of the Computer Science Department at Carnegie Mellon. Jeanette takes over for Peter Freeman, who served as CISE AD since 2002. Jeannette will take over CISE […]

House Science Subommittee Chairs Announced

The House Committee on Science and Technology has announced its membership and subcommittee chairs for the 110th Congress. The committee membership includes 24 Democrats and 20 Republicans with one vacancy on the minority membership. The subcommittee structure is slightly different with this Congress in that the some subcommittee names have been changed to more accurately […]