Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Policy

Sustained investment in research is needed to combat cyber threats, CISE AD tells Congress

On Tuesday January 27th, the Research and Technology Subcommittee of the House Science, Space, & Technology Committee held it’s first hearing of the 114th Congress. The topic was expanding cyber threats and cybersecurity, and the subcommittee heard from experts from both the private sector and government agencies. Assistant Director of CISE, Jim Kurose, testifying for […]

DEADLINE EXTENDED: Applications to 2015 LiSPI now accepted till January 23rd

Just wanted to put up a quick post that due to extra availability we are extending the deadline for nominations and applications to the 2015 Leadership in Science Policy Institute workshop (aka: LiSPI) to January 23rd. We have also pushed back notifying selectees to February 2nd. If you know of someone who meets the qualifications […]

Get Schooled on Science Policy: LiSPI Call for Nominations Now Open!

As part of its mission to develop a next generation of leaders in the computing research community, the Computing Research Association’s Computing Community Consortium (CCC) announces the third offering of the CCC Leadership in Science Policy Institute (LiSPI), intended to educate computing researchers on how science policy in the U.S. is formulated and how our […]

Larry Smarr, pioneering computing researcher, recipient of 2014 Golden Goose Award

The group of universities, scientific societies, industry groups, and think tanks behind the 2014 Golden Goose Awards announced winners throughout the summer and pioneering computing researcher Larry Smarr is one of the recipients. As we’ve noted in previous years, the Golden Goose Awards “demonstrate the human and economic benefits of federally funded research by highlighting […]

FIRST Act Marked Up By the Full House Science Committee

On May 22nd the House Science Committee took up the Frontiers in Innovation, Research, Science, and Technology (or FIRST) Act of 2014. The bill’s lead sponsor is the House Science Committee chairman, Lamar Smith (R-TX). This bill is to reauthorize the majority of the America COMPETES Act of 2010, and focuses on the non-energy agencies […]

Major Senate Hearing on Federal Science Investments

Tomorrow the full Senate Appropriations Committee will be holding an major hearing on “Driving Innovation through Federal Investments.” This is important news as the list of witnesses being called is a who’s-who of Federal science agencies: the Secretary of Energy, the President’s science advisor, and the Directors of NSF, DARPA, and NIH. Of course, you […]