Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Policy

Briefing Tomorrow: IT for People, Homes and Cities

Tomorrow, May 21, CRA will host the briefing, “IT for People, Homes and Cities” from 11:15 am to 12:45 pm in Room 2325 of the Rayburn Office Building. The briefing is sponsored by Rep. Larry Bucshon (R-IN) and Rep. Daniel Lipinski (D-IL). From smart phones to smart homes to smart cities, IT is increasingly integrated […]

House Passes NITRD, Cybersecurity Bills During Cyber Week

It’s “cyber week” on Capitol Hill and yesterday that meant the House passing H.R. 967, the Advancing America’s Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act of 2013, and H.R. 756, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013, two bills we discussed in detail and endorsed last month. CRA, along with ACM, SIAM, and IEEE-CS, submitted […]

Two Computing Bills Marked Up Today

Today the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee marked up two computing bills for floor consideration. HR 756, the Cybersecurity Enhancement Act of 2013, and HR 967, the Advancing America’s Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act of 2013, both of which had passed in the House of Representatives in previous Congressional sessions but […]

House Oversight Hearing on Conference Travel

In the aftermath of the GSA Las Vegas conference scandal, the White House issued restrictions on travel and conference spending (PDF) which we discussed here previously. Congress is once again wading into the issue with a House Government Oversight Committee hearing featuring three government witnesses: The Honorable Rush Holt, Representative for the 12th Congressional District […]

Congressional Resolution – App Challenge

In a nod toward the need to increase STEM interest among K – 12 students, Congress has passed House Resolution 77, the Academic Competition Resolution of 2013. The resolution establishes an academic STEM competition for students in Congressional districts. The initial competition is an App Challenge – students must build an app for mobile, tablet, […]

IT Research Hearing Focuses on Security, Education

As noted in a previous post, the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee’s Subcommittee on Research held a hearing on Applications for Information Technology Research and Development. CCC Chair and former CRA Board Chair Ed Lazowska, CRA-W Chair and current CRA Board Member Kathryn McKinley, representing Microsoft, and Kelly Gaither of the University of Texas […]

IT Research Hearing

The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee’s Subcommittee on Research will hold a hearing this afternoon at 2:00pm on Applications for Information Technology Research and Development. CCC Chair Ed Lazowska, CRA-W Co-chair Kathryn McKinley, and Kelly Gaither of the University of Texas at Austin will make the case for computing research before the subcommittee. Written […]

House Science Holds R&D Competitiveness Hearing

The House Science, Space, and Technology Committee held the first full committee hearing of the 113th Congress yesterday and it was focused on research and development for competitiveness. President and CEO of Texas Instruments Richard Templeton, PCAST member and RPI president Dr. Shirley Ann Jackson, and National Academy of Engineering president Dr. Charles Vest testified […]

House Tech Transfer Hearing

Robert Atkinson, president of ITIF, and Dennis Shea, chair of the U.S. China Economic and Security Review Commission, testified today before the House Science, Space, and Technology Committee Subcommittee on Investigation and Oversight hearing on “The Impact of International Technology Transfer on American Research and Development”. Chairman Paul Broun (R-GA) started the hearing with the […]