Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Policy

Norm Augustine, Frank Wolf, and John Marburger on the Future of US Competitiveness

Retired Chairman and CEO of Lockheed Martin, Norman Augustine, testified today before a House Committee on Education and Workforce hearing on “Challenges to American Competitiveness in Math and Science.” Augustine, who has also been the former Undersecretary of the Army and a past-chairman of the National Academies of Engineering, put together a great written statement […]

The Future of Computer Science Research in the U.S., Part 1a

In lieu of a proper update about the hearing (coming, I promise), here’s CRA’s press release: Computing Researchers Tell Congress US IT Dominance at Risk Washington, DC, May 12, 2005 – Computing researchers today told a receptive congressional panel that the nation’s dominant leadership position in information technology is at risk from cuts in research […]

The Future of Computer Science Research in the U.S.

Today the House Science Committee (full committee) meets to examine the current and future state of computing research in the U.S. Appearing before the committee will be John Marburger, Director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy; Tony Tether, Director of DARPA; Bill Wulf, President of the National Academy of Engineering; and […]

LA Times on DARPA R&D: “The Imagination Drain”

Apparently inspired by this week’s Science editorial by Ed Lazowska and Dave Patterson (covered here), the Los Angeles Times today editorializes on DARPA and university IT research. Since 1961, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, or DARPA, has distributed IT research dollars in largely open-ended grants to universities. The grants encouraged basic research aimed not […]

Science OpEd: An Endless Frontier Postponed

Edward Lazowska and David Patterson (both former CRA board members and current members of the President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee) have penned an excellent OpEd (sub. req’d) in this week’s issue of Science magazine on the impact of the changing federal landscape for support of computing research. The OpEd makes a case that will be […]

High Performance Computing Act Passes House

CRA commends the House for its swift passage today of the High Performance Computing Revitalization Act (H.R. 28). The bill, which would provide sustained access by the research community to federal HPC assets, assure a balanced portfolio in HPC research pursuits and beef up interagency planning, passed by voice vote. The measure now moves on […]

The Drumbeat Continues: SJ Merc News on DARPA IT R&D and Universities

Following in the wake of news stories and OpEds in the New York Times, the San Jose Mercury News editorializes today on the negative impact of DARPA’s shift away from university researchers in computer science and engineering. Of all the government sources of funding for basic technology research, few have delivered more breakthroughs for Silicon […]