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New Computing Faculty Workshops in Summer 2017

By Beth Simon, Leo Porter, Cynthia Lee, and Mark Guzdial

The third New Computing Faculty Workshop will be held August 6-8, 2017 in San Diego. The goal of the workshop is to help computing faculty at research intensive universities to be better and more efficient teachers.  By learning a little about teaching, we will help new faculty (a) make their teaching more efficient and effective (e.g., students learn more with less input time from faculty) and (b) make their teaching more enjoyable. The workshops were described in Communications of the ACM in the May 2017 issue (see article here).

The workshop will be run by Beth Simon (UCSD), Cynthia Bailey Lee (Stanford), Leo Porter (UCSD), and Mark Guzdial (Georgia Tech).

The first two workshops have been resounding successes, with new faculty from U. Washington, UCSD, University of California-Irvine, U. Colorado-Boulder, and Georgia Tech. Our participants report greater confidence in teaching, with a new set of approaches, tools, and techniques to use in the classroom.

“I found the New Faculty Workshop extremely valuable.  Not only did I receive a bunch of pointers and resources about how to teach large undergraduate classes, I also formed relationships with other starting CS faculty.  I’d highly recommend the New Faculty Workshop for any beginning CS faculty member.”

  • Mary Wooters, Stanford University

“The New Faculty Workshop is a great activity, particularly for either brand new faculty or those who have taught a course once before. It’s a smart way to both get ideas for immediate logistics improvements and on teaching methods to implement down the line.”

  • Tamara Denning, University of Utah

Our Keynote speaker at dinner on August 6 will be Charles Isbell (Georgia Institute of Technology).

We are grateful for our supporters who encourage new computing faculty to attend:

Debra J. Richardson is Professor of Informatics and founding dean of the University of California–Irvine’s Donald Bren School of Information and Computer Sciences (ICS). 

“We in the David C. Bren School of Information at Irvine have always taken pride in our innovative teaching and our appreciation for research-based methods. I strongly encourage new faculty to hit the ground running by learning state-of-the-art teaching methods.”

Charles Isbell, Senior Associate Dean, College of Computing, Professor, School of Interactive Computing

“Georgia Tech has always been at the cutting edge of Computing teaching, from Threads to our Online MS (OMS) degree program. Being an innovative professor in the future means being an innovative teacher, too. I’ll encourage all our new faculty in the College of Computing to attend this workshop, and I recommend it to all new CS faculty.”

To apply for registration, please apply at Admission will be based on capacity, grant limitations, and application order, with a maximum of 40 participants. Apply on or before July 1 to ensure eligibility for workshop hotel accommodation

We look forward to seeing many of our new computing faculty in San Diego!


New Computing Faculty Workshops in Summer 2017