CRA Bulletin

The CRA Bulletin frequently shares news, timely information about CRA initiatives, and items of interest to the general community.
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Posts categorized under: CRA Board of Directors

The CRA Board of Directors is a distinguished group of leaders in computing research from academia and industry. The Board provides the membership for various standing committees, including the Government Affairs, Snowbird Conference, Taulbee Survey, Finance, and Elections committees.

ACM LogoACM Logo

2015 ACM Fellows Announced

Today, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) announced the 2015 ACM Fellows. The Fellows are recognized for their significant contributions to the development and application of computing. Several CRA participants were named Fellows:

Headshot of Susanne HambruschHeadshot of Susanne Hambrusch

CRA Board Member Profile: Susanne Hambrusch

CRA is honored to have a prestigious group of computing researchers serve on its Board of Directors. These individuals volunteer their time to run CRA’s programs and committees and to develop and lead new initiatives. In this new series, CRA Board Member Profiles, we will highlight our board members and their contributions to the organization. Following is a profile on CRA Vice Chair Susanne Hambrusch.

Congrats to Incoming IEEE-CS President Jean-Luc Gaudiot!

CRA Board Member Jean-Luc Gaudiot was recently elected to be the 2017 president of IEEE Computer Society (IEEE-CS). Jean-Luc (University of California – Irvine) has served on the CRA Board for several years as the IEEE-CS representative and is currently a member of the CRA Education Committee. Jean-Luc Gaudiot has been an active member of the IEEE […]