CRA Bulletin

The CRA Bulletin frequently shares news, timely information about CRA initiatives, and items of interest to the general community.
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The Computing Research Association will be participating in the Research on Equity and Sustained Participation in Engineering, Computing, and Technology (RESPECT) 2015 Conference, the first international meeting of the IEEE Special Technical Community on Broadening Participation with technical co-sponsorship by the IEEE Computer Society.

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CRA Congressional Fall Fly-In: September 16 – 17

In these times of increasingly tight federal budgets this is an important opportunity to help serve the computing community and ensure that Congress understands the value of computing research going on in their states and districts. We hope you’ll join us as the computing community descends en masse on Capitol Hill and makes the case for computing!
CRA will hold its fifth annual Congressional Fall Fly-in on September 16-17, 2015. This is an important opportunity for representatives from CRA member institutions to come to Washington as a group, meet with their representatives in Congress, and help make the case for federal support of computing research. We hope you, or someone you designate, will join us!

Check Out the New

If you have visited the CRA website lately, you may have noticed that it’s been refreshed with a new look and feel. We are excited to announce the launch of a new website for CRA and its committees. The new website presents a more consistent visual identity for CRA and provides a seamless experience for a visitor viewing each of the committee sites in addition to CRA.

Computing Research Association

Uniting industry, academia and government to advance computing research and change the world. Founded in 1972, CRA’s membership includes more than 200 North American organizations active in computing research: academic departments of computer science and computer engineering, laboratories and centers (industry, government, and academia), and affiliated professional societies (AAAI, ACM, CACS/AIC, IEEE Computer Society, SIAM, USENIX).

New CRA Board Leadership

CRA has elected new Board Officers to serve two-year terms beginning July 1, 2015. Susan Davidson has been elected Chair. She will be the first female to hold this position in CRA history. In addition, Susanne Hambrusch will become Vice Chair, and Greg Morrisett will become Secretary. The Board re-elected Ron Brachman as Treasurer. The current Board Chair J Moore and Vice Chair Laura Haas will end their terms on June 30, 2015. CRA thanks both of them for contributions during their outstanding service on the Board.

CRA Best Practices Memo on Evaluating Scholarship in Hiring, Tenure, and Promotion

The CRA Board of Directors has recently released its latest Best Practices Memo, “Incentivizing Quality and Impact: Evaluating Scholarship in Hiring, Tenure, and Promotion.” Distinguishing between quality and quantity is key to promoting the future growth of the computing and information field. The memo advocates adjustments to hiring, promotion, and tenure practices as well as […]

2015 CRA Distinguished Service and A. Nico Habermann Awardees Announced

Farnam Jahanian Distinguished Service Award Vice President for Research, Carnegie Mellon University Farnam served as NSF Assistant Director for CISE from 2011 to 2014, the highest profile government position for computer science research. During his tenure he fought hard for computer science and launched three presidential initiatives: National Robotics Initiative, Big Data Research and Development Initiative […]