CRA Bulletin

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Posts categorized under: Featured Announcements

Items to feature on the CRA homepage.

CRA Best Practices Memo on Evaluating Scholarship in Hiring, Tenure, and Promotion

The CRA Board of Directors has recently released its latest Best Practices Memo, “Incentivizing Quality and Impact: Evaluating Scholarship in Hiring, Tenure, and Promotion.” Distinguishing between quality and quantity is key to promoting the future growth of the computing and information field. The memo advocates adjustments to hiring, promotion, and tenure practices as well as […]

2015 CRA Distinguished Service and A. Nico Habermann Awardees Announced

Farnam Jahanian Distinguished Service Award Vice President for Research, Carnegie Mellon University Farnam served as NSF Assistant Director for CISE from 2011 to 2014, the highest profile government position for computer science research. During his tenure he fought hard for computer science and launched three presidential initiatives: National Robotics Initiative, Big Data Research and Development Initiative […]