CRA Board Secretary Greg Morrisett Named Dean of Cornell Tech

Credit: Cornell University
Today, Cornell University announced that CRA Board Secretary Greg Morrisett has been named the Jack and Rilla Neafsey Dean and Vice Provost of Cornell Tech, effective August 1. Morrisett is currently the dean of Computing and Information Sciences at Cornell University and an international expert in software security. He joined the CRA board of directors in 2012 and has served two year terms on the executive committee as board secretary. Morrisett has also been a member of the CCC Council since 2017.
From the Cornell University announcement:
Morrisett will take the helm of Cornell Tech as it moves into its second phase of development, building on its cutting-edge faculty, strong relationships with industry and New York City leaders, and innovative, cross-disciplinary and socially conscious approach to technology education.
“As New York City becomes an increasingly important technology hub, we want to help make sure it’s inclusive, representative of a broad range of disciplines and avoids some of the problems we’ve seen emerge as technology becomes more and more central to our lives,” Morrisett said. “We need to teach students to develop not just the new cutting-edge stuff but to think in an ethically robust fashion – not just developing technology for technology’s sake but doing it in a way that moves society forward.”
Click here to read the full announcement. Congratulations Greg!