FCRC 2015
June 13-14, 2015
Oregon Convention Center
Oregon Convention Center, Northeast Martin Luther King Junior Boulevard, Portland, OR, United States
Event Contact
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Event Category
CRA-W will host Mid and Early Career Mentoring Workshops on June 13-14, 2015 co-located at the Federated Computing Research Conference in Portland, Oregon. The goal of these workshops is to increase the percentage of Computer Science and Engineering women faculty members and researchers/technologists who reach the top of their respective career tracks.
When you attend an Early Career Mentoring Workshop, you will learn: how to build a great research program, advise students and get funding, how to be an effective and inspiring teacher, how to set yourself up for promotion and success, and how to balance work and life, among other things.
When you attend a Mid-Career Mentoring Workshop, you will receive mentoring and advice on topics such as how to prepare for promotion to a more senior position, how to be an effective leader, how to build collaborations and start new research initiatives, and how to balance work and life.
CMW Speakers
Early Career Mentoring Workshop – Research & Lab at FCRC 2015
Resources from the workshop:
- Agenda
- The Job Search
- Growing Your Research Program
- The Tenure Process
- Getting Started in the Lab: Tips for Surviving the First Two Years
- Advising/Supervising Students
- Negotiating Skills
- Effective Teaching and Class Management
- Ensuring Your Visibility
Mid Career Mentoring Workshop – Education, Research & Lab at FCRC 2015
Resources from the workshop:
- Agenda
- Promotion to the Next Technical Step to Professor
- Promotion to the Next Technical Step to Full Professor
- Promotion to the Next Technical Step on the Technical Ladder
- Managing Down, Managing Up
- Effective Leadership
- Leading Initiatives, Building New Programs, Negotiating Skills
- Representing Yourself Outward
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