The Pipeline Workshop: Diversifying the HPC Workforce
January 26-27, 2017
University of New Mexico
The University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM 87131, United States
Event Contact
Dorian Arnold
Event Type
Event Category
Diversifying the HPC Workforce, DSW, DSW Event, HPC, New Mexico, The Pipeline Workshop
CRA-W is proud to be a sponsor of the following Discipline Specific Workshop:
Are you an undergraduate or graduate student undecided about your future career directions?
Intrigued by the thought of using and developing advanced computing capabilities to solve complex, impactful problems?
If so, the Pipeline Workshop is for you!
High-performance computing (HPC aka scientific computing or computational sciences) is a multidisciplinary field that includes Applications & Algorithms; Computer Hardware and Software Technologies; Data Analytics; and Program Analysis and Tools. The Pipeline Workshop aims to expand the HPC workforce with researchers and engineers from traditionally underrepresented groups (women, racial minorities and persons with disabilities). We target senior undergraduate and junior graduate students with three primary elements:
- Research Explorations: Sessions by leading experts to expose participants to current and emerging research challenges in computational science and engineering domains.
- Curriculum Advisement: Sessions to help participants tailor their educational curriculum for careers in computational science and engineering fields.
- Real Opportunities: Pre- and peri-workshop activities to match participants with lab and university mentors and specific internship and educational opportunities.
For More Information
This event is open to both undergraduate and graduate students.
Important Dates:
- Scholarship Applications Open: October 01, 2016
- Scholarship Application Deadline: November 28, 2016
- Applicant Notification: December 12, 2016
- Participant Confirmation: December 19, 2016
- Workshop Date: January 26-27, 2017
Scholarship Information
Scholarships will cover travel, lodging and meals for all participants. To be eligible for a scholarship, you must meet all the following criteria:
- be enrolled full-time and pursuing a STEM degree at a college or university in the United States or its territories;
- be as of Spring 2017 a senior under-graduate or junior (pre-research topic) graduate student;
- be part of an under-represented group (i.e. woman, racial minority, person with a disability).
Scholarship applications will open on October 1, 2016. Complete application details and the submission form will be available at that time. A complete scholarship application shall include a resume, brief interest statement and a recommendation letter.
Selection Criteria
Students primarily will be selected on the strength of their academic records and interest statements. All are encouraged to apply; priority will be given to U.S. citizens or permanent residents.
Scholarships are provided via the generous support of the CRA-W and the CDC.