Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: CRA

The New CRA-Bulletin is Out!

CRA’s CRA-Bulletin is a free electronic bulletin that aims to inform about timely events we think will be of interest to computing researchers. This edition’s topics (frequent blog readers will have seen some of these before…): National Academies Releases Report Evaluating DOD Basic Research Competitiveness Report Cites Need for "Significantly" Increased Federal R&D Funds Increases […]

Brain Drain in Tech’s Future?

ZDNet covers the drop in tech-related doctoral degrees in an article today that quotes CRA Board Chair Jim Foley. The article cites some reasons for the current downturn in doctoral degrees, including declining interest in the sciences among Americans, a temporary shift in the labor markets, and financial disincentives to pursue science and engineering doctorates. […]

PITAC Cyber Security Subcommittee “Town Hall” Highlights

The President’s Information Technology Advisory Committee’s (PITAC) Subcommittee on Cyber Security met today “town hall” style at the GOVSEC conference here in DC today to hear from ITAA head Harris Miller, Joel Birnbaum, head of the CSTB study on “Improving Cyber Security Research in the US“, and to take public input as it continues its […]

Post from Snowbird: Catching Up with Hearing News

So I’m well ensconced in the Cliff Lodge at the Snowbird Resort in Snowbird, Utah, preparing for CRA’s biannual Snowbird Conference, but finally have a chance to catch up on the blog. As reported, former CRA Gov’t Affairs Committee Chairman and current Co-chair of PITAC Ed Lazowska testified before the House Government Reform Subcommittee on […]

Pics from the CNSF Science Exhibition on Capitol Hill

CRA joined 31 other scientific societies and universities yesterday in showing off the results of NSF-sponsored research at the 10th annual Coalition for National Science Funding Science Exhibition and Reception on Capitol Hill. CRA was ably represented at the event by DK Panda and his students (Jiuxing Liu, Pavan Balaji, Ranjit Noronha, and Sayantan Sur) […]

Pics from the CRA-W Presidential Award Ceremony

(Clicking the thumbnail gets you a larger version) Accepting the Award From left: NSF Director Arden Bement, CRA-W Co-Chair Mary Jean Harrold, former CRA-W Co-Chair Jan Cuny, White House OSTP Director John Marburger Group shot of all PAESMEM Awardees Harrold and Cuny in the top row, third and fourth from the left, respectively Post Awards […]

President Honors CRA-W with Award for Mentoring

WASHINGTON, DC — President George W. Bush today awarded the Computing Research Association’s Committee on the Status of Women in Computing Research (CRA-W) the 2004 Presidential Award for Excellence in Science, Mathematics and Engineering Mentoring (PAESMEM) for “significant achievements in mentoring women across educational levels.”