Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: CRA

NITRD Act Passed In House

The House of Representatives passed H.R. 2020, the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development Act of 2009, a bill that we have mentioned here previously. In support of the NITRD Act, CRA wrote a letter to Congressmen Bart Gordon (D-TN) and Ralph Hall (R-TX), the chair and ranking member of the House Committee on […]

House S&T Committee Focuses on IT at NITRD Hearing

CRA’s incoming Board Chair Peter Lee, Deborah Estrin of the University of California, Los Angeles, and Chris Greer of the Networking and Information Technology Research and Development (NITRD) National Coordinating Office testified before the House Science and Technology Committee last week on the NITRD Act of 2009. The Act incorporates the findings and recommendations of […]

CRA Wants You!

Forgive the CRA-centric content, but we’re looking to fill a new position here at CRA World Headquarters. Here’s the official announcement: The Computing Research Association works to strengthen research and advanced education in the computing fields, expand opportunities for women and minorities, and improve public and policy maker understanding of the importance of computing and […]

Announcing the Computing Research Highlight of the Week

Today, as part of CRA’s mission to improve public and policymaker understanding of the importance of computing and computing research, we’re pleased to announce the launch of a new feature on the CRA and CCC web pages: the Computing Research Highlight of the Week. Each week, we’ll highlight some of the exciting and important research […]

We Want Your Research Highlights!

A couple of small announcements: First, those of you who attended CRA’s biennial conference at Snowbird last week already heard this call, but for those who didn’t (or who need to be reminded), we want your research highlights! CRA and the Computing Community Consortium are in the process of gathering recent computing research highlights to […]

Another Successful Capitol Hill Science Fair

The Coalition for National Science Funding held another successful Science Exposition on Capitol Hill last night and once again CRA played a part. Manning this year’s booth for CRA was Dr. R. Michael Young from North Carolina State University who did a fantastic job showing his work using the underlying technology of video games for […]

Dichotomy of Women in S&T

Two articles this week on women in science and technology fields. The first “Why Women Quit Technology Careers” in ComputerWorld talks about a trend that we have been watching for awhile. The article notes a study that shows that despite a strong presence in the early stages of science and technology careers, 40 percent of […]