Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: CRA

CRA at CNSF Exhibit on Hill

CRA participated once again in the Coalition for National Science Funding’s annual Science Exposition on Capitol Hill last week and it was a great success. The event, a science fair for Congress and staff, had 35 booths manned by researchers representing universities and scientific societies featuring some of the important research funded by the National […]

Computing Research Challenges in Biomedicine

Last June, CRA and he National Institutes of Health jointly hosted a workshop motivated by the following two observations (from the 2004 NIH Roadmap): The success of computational biology is shown by the fact that computation has become integral and critical to modern biomedical research. … Because computation is integral to biomedical research, its deficiencies […]

Time on GENI

Time Magazine has a pretty decent piece on NSF’s Global Environment for Networking Innovations program, which has the goal of “[enabling] the research community to invent and demonstrate a global communications network and related services that will be qualitatively better than today’s Internet.” Although it has already taken nearly four decades to get this far […]

NSF Reauthorization

The House Science and Technology Committee is set to hold two markups for a National Science Foundation reauthorization bill that Chairman Gordon would like to pass this year. The Research and Science Education subcommittee will hold their markup on April 19 and the full committee will have the markup on April 25. The committee has […]

Eugene Spafford Honored with ACM President’s Award

CRA Board member, Eugene Spafford, has received the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) President’s Award for “his long and effective leadership on issues of computer security and policy, professional responsibility, and the Internet.” The award, given to only seven previous recipients since 1985, will be presented in June in San Diego. The award is given […]

CRA’s Hiring

Forgive the ad, but since we’ve got such a well-connected, Web 2.0-ish sort of readership here, I thought I’d use the space to announce that we’re looking for someone to help update CRA’s digital presence and support our office IT needs. We’re currently looking for a full-time IT Manager/Webmaster for our world headquarters here in […]

Announcing the Computing Research Policy TumbleLog

One of the side effects of these exciting times for science policy in Washington is that we don’t get as much time to blog as we need to. Even as late as two years ago, the drumbeat for competitiveness and innovation — the driving themes behind most of the science policy developments over the last […]

CRA Gov Affairs Site Down…

Update: (3/12/07, 1:17 pm) — Fixed! Original Post: Though the blog continues to work, a database issue has rendered the CRA Government Affairs website temporarily unavailable. Apologies to those trying to access the resources we’ve got on those pages, but we hope to have the site restored soon….

Lazowska Named Chair of Computing Community Consortium

The Computing Research Association is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Edward Lazowska, Bill & Melinda Gates Chair in Computer Science & Engineering at the University of Washington, as the inaugural Chair of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Council. This appointment was made after extensive consultations with computing research leaders, the Interim CCC Council […]

Computing Community Weighs in on Continuing Resolution

As we’ve previously noted, the potential adoption of a “continuing resolution” to freeze funding at federal agencies at FY 2006 (or lower) levels through FY 2007 has the potential to cause major disruptions at federal science agencies and imperil the increases for science called for in the American Competitiveness Initiative. In response, the leading organizations […]