Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: People

U.S. Added IT Jobs This Year

A new study by the Information Technology Association of America (ITAA) apparently* indicates that US employers added 213,639 IT jobs between the first quarter of 2003 and the first quarter this year. However, the same report also indicates that hiring managers don’t plan to add nearly as many IT jobs this year. Overall, the number […]

RAND S&E Workforce Report

Thanks to Richard Jones at the American Institute of Physics for pointing out this report put together by RAND on The U.S. Scientific and Technical Workforce: Improving Data for Decisionmaking. The report is an interesting collection of papers on the current controversy surrounding the adequacy of the science and engineering workforce and very relevant to […]

Outsourcing May Mean More IT Jobs for US?

ACM’s Queue has an article by Catherine L. Mann, of the Institute for International Economics here in DC, on the potential positive effect of the “global sourcing” trend in IT. Mann argues that just as outsourcing IT hardware production during the 1990s lowered product costs (by 20%), encouraging increased IT investment throughout the economy, the […]

Tech Employment Numbers Improve?

CNet has this story on new employment figures released by the Department of Labor that shows a drop in the rate of unemployment for “computer and mathematical occupations” and “electrical and electronic engineers.” But the change might not be because of the most favorable reasons: The unemployment rate for computer and mathematical occupations–a category that […]

Brain Drain in Tech’s Future?

ZDNet covers the drop in tech-related doctoral degrees in an article today that quotes CRA Board Chair Jim Foley. The article cites some reasons for the current downturn in doctoral degrees, including declining interest in the sciences among Americans, a temporary shift in the labor markets, and financial disincentives to pursue science and engineering doctorates. […]

Does Computer Science Need a Sputnik Moment?

Interesting article from the Seattle Post Intelligencer today on discussions at CRA member Microsoft Research’s Faculty Summit about declining computer science enrollments. Here’s a bit: Gates touts computer science By Todd Bishop SEATTLE POST-INTELLIGENCER REPORTER Does the U.S. computer-science industry need a Sputnik moment? It wouldn’t hurt, Bill Gates said yesterday, answering a question from […]

Pics from the CNSF Science Exhibition on Capitol Hill

CRA joined 31 other scientific societies and universities yesterday in showing off the results of NSF-sponsored research at the 10th annual Coalition for National Science Funding Science Exhibition and Reception on Capitol Hill. CRA was ably represented at the event by DK Panda and his students (Jiuxing Liu, Pavan Balaji, Ranjit Noronha, and Sayantan Sur) […]

Administration says more Cyber Security Research and IT Security Personnel Needed

Thanks to Jeff Grove of ACM for pointing out this story (subscription req’d), by William New, in National Journal’s Tech Daily (sub req’d) covering remarks by Department of Homeland Security Chief Security Officer Jack Johnson, DHS Chief Information Officer Steve Cooper, and FAA Deputy Director Thomas O’Keefe suggesting the great need for information security professionals […]

Kudos to Google

The Anita Borg Institute announced the winners of the 2004 Google Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship, given on merit to female undergrad and graduate students earning computer science degrees during the 2004-05 academic year. Kudos to Google for awarding 8 scholarships of $10,000 each, plus 11 more $1,000 scholarships. Google blogged the release on the relatively […]