Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Policy

Happy Holidays — We Might Have a Budget Deal!

House Budget Chair Paul Ryan (R-WI) and Senate Budget Chair Patty Murray (D-WA) announced Tuesday afternoon that they’d reached an agreement on FY 2014 and FY 2015 budget numbers that would avert sequester levels by providing about $63 billion of cap relief over both years. That sequester relief includes $22 billion for non-defense discretionary spending […]

Mosley Joins CRA Policy Staff!

CRA is pleased to announce that Brian Mosley has joined its staff starting today as Policy Analyst. In this position, Brian will track a number of issues of importance to the computing community, including Robotics R&D, STEM Education issues, and policies surrounding Open Access and Open Data efforts at the Federal level. He’ll also be a […]

Golden Goose Award Video

The folks behind the 2013 Golden Goose Awards have put together a really nice video highlighting this year’s winners. You may recall that the Golden Goose Awards were the brainchild of Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) who had grown frustrated with the occasional targeting by his colleagues in Congress of so-called “silly-sounding science” — shrimp on […]

Big Data Fellowship Opportunity

Every year, AAAS administers the Science & Technology Policy Fellowship program, which brings over 200 scientists and engineers to DC each year to work for the federal government. The goal of the Fellowship is to educate scientists on how the government works and to explore the intersection where policy and science meet. AAAS has recently […]

Briefing on Undergraduate STEM Intitatives

The House STEM Education Caucus hosted a briefing on various STEM programs occurring at the undergraduate level, in conjunction with the Association of American Universities (AAU), Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU), the Business Higher Education Forum, and the Research Corporation of Science Advancement. Each organization spoke about the need for such STEM […]

Report on Progressive Agenda for Broadband Market Released

  The Progressive Policy Institute recently released their report, authored by Everett Ehrlich, on the progressive policy agenda for the broadband market. The report touched on three main sections: what progressives should want from the internet, the current state of competition in the broadband sector, and what the progressive agenda should look like. In the first […]

Microsoft Research Faculty Summit, July 15th-16th 2013

  The Microsoft Research Faculty Summit kicked off this morning. The Faculty Summit is an annual gathering of more than 400 academic researchers from 200 institutions and 29 countries who will join Microsoft Research to assess and explore today’s computing opportunities. Tony Hey, Vice President of Research Connections at Microsoft, opened up the summit with a […]

IBM Hosts “Cognitive Computing” Panel to Discuss Power of Supercomputers

On Tuesday, June 18th, IBM Research hosted a presentation and panel discussion on the Hill with House Representatives on cognitive computing. According to IBM Research, cognitive computing systems include “systems that learn and interact naturally with people to extend what either man or machine could do on their own.” Essentially, these systems help human experts […]