Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Policy

Competitiveness and Innovative Capacity of the United States Report Released

The Department of Commerce and National Economic Council today released a new report on “The Competitiveness and Innovation Capacity of the United States” at an event featuring Secretary of Commerce John Bryson followed by a panel of speakers and small group breakout sessions. The report was a Congressional mandate in the COMPETES reauthorization last year. […]

Senate Minibus Cuts NSF, NASA and NIST

Yesterday the Senate managed passage of its first so-called “minibus” appropriation bill —  a combination of FY12 Agriculture Appropriation; Commerce, Justice, Science Appropriation; and Transportation-HUD Appropriations bills — and retained the cuts to the FY12 budget of the National Science Foundation budget we covered back when the bill was first approved by the Senate Appropriations […]

Computer Science Education Act Introduced

Following the theme of computing taking over the Hill this week, Senator Robert Casey (D-PA) and Representative Jared Polis (D-CO) introduced the Computer Science Education Act (CSEA) yesterday. In the House, the bill is co-sponsored by Representative Bob Filner (D-CA), Representative James Langevin (D-RI), and Representative Silvestre Reyes (D-TX). The bill is designed to ensure […]

Deconstructing the iPad

Chick-fil-A and the iPad – what more could you want at lunch? Well, that’s exactly what the Task Force on American Innovation, along with Rep. Hultgren (R-IL), Rep. McCaul (R-TX), and Rep. Quayle (R-AZ), are offering at tomorrow’s briefing, “Deconstructing the iPad: How Federally Supported Research Leads to Game-Changing Innovation” in 2325 Rayburn at noon. […]

CCC Announces Science Policy Institute for Computing Researchers

So, if you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’re probably someone who’d be interested in CRA’s most recent effort to increase science policy literacy amongst the computing research community. Today CRA’s Computing Community Consortium is putting out a Call for Nominations for participants in a workshop hosted by the new CCC Leadership in Science […]

House Approps Proposes Even More Cuts for NSF, DOE

The House Appropriations Committee released their spending cuts version 2.0 — after having their previous attempt to cut $74 billion from the President’s request for non-defense discretionary spending savaged by conservative Republicans in the House —  and NSF and DOE both face significant cuts. The appropriators went back and took another look at their first […]

NSF Fares (Suprisingly) Well, DOE Does Not, in Proposed Approps Cuts for FY11

Update: (Feb 11, 2011) – They’ve released version 2.0 of the proposal… Update: Um, nevermind. After conservative Republicans savaged the proposed $32 billion in cuts as inadequate, House Appropriations Chairman Hal Rogers pledged to come back with a proposal that would cut $100 billion, potentially putting NSF right back under the crosshairs. Here’s Roger’s statement: […]