Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: Research

NRC Doctoral Rankings and Computer Science

The National Research Council today released its long-awaited, long-delayed evaluations of U.S. doctoral programs in 62 different disciplines. The Computing Research Association released the following statement regarding the evaluation: As an organization representing more than 200 academic departments of computer science, computer engineering, and related fields, CRA commends the National Research Council for undertaking its […]

Ex-CRA Chair Peter Lee to Leave DARPA for Microsoft Research

Peter Lee, current head of DARPA’s innovative Transformational Convergence Technology Office (TCTO), will leave the agency in September to run Microsoft Research’s Redmond Lab. Before joining DARPA, Lee was Chair of the computer science department at Carnegie Mellon University, as well as Chair of CRA (and head of CRA’s Government Affairs Committee). In a press […]

CRA Features Robotics at Annual Congressional Science Fair

[Editor’s Note: Each year, the Coalition for National Science Funding (of which CRA is a member) hosts a Capitol Hill science exposition featuring representatives from 30+ universities and scientific societies, all there to highlight the important research funded by the National Science Foundation for an audience of Members of Congress, congressional staffers, Administration and agency […]

The Change at DARPA

Since about 2001, the computing community – through CRA and others, and with lots of mention on this blog – has aired concerns about policy changes at the Defense Advanced Research Programs Agency (DARPA), the Defense Department’s leading-edge research arm and arguably one of the two most important agencies in the history of computer science. […]

NY Times Coverage of NSF/Microsoft Cloud Computing Research Agreement

John Markoff of the NY Times has coverage of today’s announcement of an agreement between the National Science Foundation and Microsoft that would enable NSF-sponsored researchers free access to Microsoft’s Azure cloud computing services. According to NSF CISE AD Jeannette Wing, NSF will commit $5 million in funding to enable researchers to study new techniques […]

Cybersecurity Research on House Floor Today

The House of Representatives will consider H.R. 4061, the Cyber Security Enhancement Act, today. The bill, which originated in the House Science and Technology Committee, is designed to “improve the security of cyberspace by ensuring federal investments in cybersecurity are better focused, more effective, and that research into innovative, transformative technologies is supported.” It’s actually […]

House S&T Committee Considers Cyber Security R&D

The House Committee on Science and Technology’s Research and Science Education Subcommittee marked up a bill designed to amend portions of Cyber Security R&D Act of 2005 today. The aptly named Cybersecurity Research and Development Amendments Act of 2009 (PDF) touches on several things that CRA supports including: Requires the development of a cybersecurity R&D […]