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Tag Archive: Snowbird 2018
2018_CRA_Snowbird_New Models for Industrial Research in CS_Wang
2018_CRA_Snowbird_New Models for Industrial Research in CS_Wang
Improving Faculty Recruiting in the Computing Community
Improving Faculty Recruiting in the Computing Community
Growing a CS Department into a School/College of Computing
Growing a CS Department into a School/College of Computing As computing continues to grow by tremendous leaps and bounds and to permeate universities’ intellectual landscape, many department chairs are finding their programs have outgrown, or are outgrowing, the confines of their current locations in colleges of engineering or science. Discussions are taking place in many […]
Using CRA Data to Improve Your Department and Inform Decision Making
Using CRA Data to Improve Your Department and Inform Decision Making This session discussed two of CRA’s data sources: the Taulbee Survey and the Data Buddies Project. Attendees learnt how these data sources are distinct yet complementary and gain a better understanding of the information available from each in published reports and departmental comparison reports. […]
Increasing Diversity in Computing is Easier Than You Think: Some Small Steps that Make a Big Difference Speaker: Mary Hall – This panel considered a number of common questions that colleges and universities face in trying to increase diversity of the population of computing students. The discussion focused on the types of programs and activities […]
Department Rankings Speaker: H.V. Jagadish, University of Michigan – Department rankings matter, whether we like it or not. Our community suffers when these rankings are performed poorly by external parties who may have limited understanding of our field. This is the case, even though we all understand that ranking reduces complex multi-attribute entities to a […]
The Past is Prologue: A New Golden Age for Computer Architecture
Speaker: David Patterson, University of California – Berkeley and Google
In the 1980s, innovations like RISC, superscalar, multilevel caches, speculation, and compiler advances ushered in a Golden Age of computer architecture, when performance increased annually by 60%. The ending of Dennard Scaling and Moore’s Law has stalled this advance; single core performance improved only 3% last year! In addition to poor performance, modern microprocessors have poor security, as Meltdown and Spectre recently demonstrated.