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NCWIT AA Now Accepting Award Nominations & Proposals & Winners Announced

By Kim Kalahar, NCWIT

Thanks to the continued support from our sponsors, the NCWIT Academic Alliance (AA) is pleased to announce the call for nominations and proposals for the latest round of awards. Below you’ll find submission details:

Seed Fund

NCWIT Seed Fund – Proposal and Dean/Chair Letter of Recommendation

Deadline: 10/30/2017

The NCWIT Academic Alliance Seed Fund awards non-profit, U.S. university members of NCWIT’s AA with startup funds to develop and implement initiatives for recruiting women and underrepresented populations in computing and IT. To date, sponsor Microsoft Research has awarded nearly $600,000 to AA member organizations and will award up to $10,000 per project for the next round of recipients as well as funding for one PI per proposal to attend the Summit 2018. Submit a proposal, or find out more information at

Congratulations to this year’s winners: Claflin University (PI: Cheryl Swanier); Fairleigh Dickinson University (PIs: Laila Khreisat and Neelu Sinha); Green River College (PI: Tina Ostrander); University of North Carolina at Charlotte (PIs: Manuel Pérez Quiñones, David Wilson, and Audrey Rorrer). All Seed Fund winners are listed here (along with a brief description of their proposal that may trigger your creative spirit for your own submission!).


NCWIT Harrold and Notkin Research and Graduate Mentoring Award

Nomination Deadline: 10/30/2017

Do you know someone who has combined outstanding research accomplishments with excellence in graduate mentoring? Has he or she served as an advocate for recruiting, encouraging, and promoting women and minorities in computing fields? If so, be certain to take a few moments to nominate that person for this award (self-nomination is also perfectly acceptable), sponsored by NCWIT’s Board of Directors. Each winner will receive $5,000 as a gift for the winner’s institution and a trip to the Summit 2018. Submit a nomination, or find out more information at

Congratulations to this year’s winner: Jennifer Rexford of Princeton University.  All Harrold and Notkin winners are listed here.

Do you have a student you feel would benefit from the NCWIT Summit?

If yes, have them submit an application so they will be considered.  While there is no registration cost, they will need to pay for their own travel.

Have a terrific spring and don’t let those deadlines creep up on you in the fall!