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Scale Undergraduate Research at Your Institution: Apply to be a UR2PhD Institutional Partner

by the UR2PhD Team

The Undergraduate Research to PhD program (“UR2PhD,” pronounced “you are 2 PhD”) is seeking institutional partners for the summer 2024 term. 

UR2PhD is a national, virtual program with the goal of vastly increasing the number of women engaging in CS research–from the undergraduate level to the PhD. The UR2PhD program has three main activities: (1) an undergraduate research methods course, (2) graduate student mentor training course, and (3) bridge workshops to raise computing research awareness and expand graduate study application knowledge. 

Institutional partners will work closely with the UR2PhD program leadership to vastly expand the number of research opportunities for women and gender-marginalized undergraduates, including those from marginalized races and ethnicities, at their institutions.    

Institutional partners will receive:

  • A $2K stipend for a local coordinator to help manage and organize undergraduate research activities,
  • Priority access for their students to all three pillars of the UR2PhD program, including $1K stipends for up to 10 graduate students who complete the graduate student mentor training program,
  • Regular, personalized support from program leaders in implementing scalable, inclusive undergraduate research programs.

Institutional partners commit to:    

  • Designate a local coordinator to manage local recruiting and mentoring efforts
  • Implement an advertising, recruitment, and selection process with the goal of ≥ 80% of the participants identifying as women or another gender-marginalized identity
  • Recruit ≥ 20 new researchers (with 2-4 undergraduates paired in teams that are willing and able to attend the same synchronous course session)
  • Support undergraduate students with course credit (or pay) for their participation
  • Ensure participants are attending and actively participating in their respective programming
  • Support program evaluation efforts 
  • Encourage undergraduate students to present their work at an on-campus, regional or national venue

To apply to become an institutional partner, please do the following:

Applications for the summer 2024 term will be accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis through Monday, January 16, 2024.   

Please contact with any questions.