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Webinar on How to Improve Diversity and Inclusion in the Systems and Networking Community: February 2

Networking Channel

On Wednesday, February 2 at 8 AM PST the Networking Channel will host a webinar titled, “How can we improve diversity and inclusion in the systems and networking community?”

Panelists include:
Margaret Martonosi – CISE AD, National Science Foundation, USA
Former CRA Board Member

Tracy Camp – Colorado School of Mines, USA
Incoming CRA Executive Director

Mythili Vutukuru – IIT Bombay, India

Ahmed Elmokashfi – Simula Research Laboratory, Norway

Craig Partridge – Colorado State University, USA

Jim Kurose – Professor of College of Information and Computer Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst
Former CRA Board Member and CISE AD

Matt Caesar – Professor in the Department of Computer Science at University of Illinois

The webinar description is below:
Many of us would agree with the importance of diversity and inclusion, but oftentimes the path to achieve those goals is not so clear. In this panel, we will have a conversation on how we can improve diversity and inclusion within the systems and networking community. Our goal is to both foster awareness of concerns that have been voiced within our community, as well as to propose ideas attendees can bring back to their home institutions to improve equity and inclusion in their daily work.

Click here to register.