Great Innovative Ideas

Great Innovative Ideas are a way to showcase the exciting new research and ideas generated by the computing community.

Recommender Systems: A Healthy Obsession

The following Great Innovative Idea is from Barry Smyth, the Digital Chair of Computer Science at University College Dublin and the Director of the Insight Centre for Data Analytics.  Dr. Smyth was one of the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) Blue Sky Track Conference Winners at AAAI-19 for his paper Recommender Systems: A Healthy Obsession.

The Idea

The idea of using AI and machine learning to help people to train more effectively for, and race in, marathons, and other endurance events.


I believe that it has the potential to change how people exercise, by helping them to train more efficiently and more safely.

Other Research

I work in the area of recommender systems, focusing on a range of fundamental and applied research on this topic. In the past this has been largely concerned with traditional recommender systems domains such as commerce or entertainment but my recent work on sports and exercise represents a novel departure in this regards.

Researcher’s Background

I’m a computer scientist from Ireland, with a background in AI and machine learning research.


About Me

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