2013 Visioning Activities

Robotics, Manufacturing, and Computing
/The National Science Foundation, Robotics-VO, Computing Community Consortium, and The White House Office of Science and Technology Policy held a workshop on October 21, 2013 to identify opportunities, challenges, and avenues in manufacturing, robotics, and computing.

Extreme Scale Design Automation Workshop
/This series of three workshops identified critical directions for electronic design automation in support of extreme scale design. Each of the workshops featured keynote speakers to frame the key issues, followed by breakout group sessions in which participants engaged in open discussion. Participants had opportunities to present their views and observations. Prior to each workshop, a set of survey questions were be provided, to further focus the discussions.
This was part of a series of workshops - view the series page.

Privacy R&D
/Exploring the development of an R&D road map for privacy.
The workshop was structured in two parts. The first part had four “domain” panels with government, industry, and academic representatives on each panel. The purpose of these panels was to elucidate the “domain” needs of a sector and in that context, the technical capabilities and opportunities for the research community. The second part of the workshop focused on developing a consensus statement on the need for a concerted effort to address privacy R&D and developing a strategy for communicating this consensus statement to relevant stakeholders. The workshop concluded with a reception.

Midscale Infrastructure Investments for Computing Research
/The Computing Community Consortium (CCC) is sought community input to better understand the potential needs and payoff for additional investments in mid-scale infrastructure for computing research.
We were specificallt interested in “mid-scale” infrastructure investments, defined as investments of over $4 million but under $100 million. Infrastructure investments in the $100,000 - $4 million range are accommodated by NSF’s Major and Computing Research Instrumentation (MRI and CRI) programs. Infrastructure investments of $100 million or more fall under NSF’s Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction (MREFC) Program. GENI, PlanetLab, Orbit, FutureGrid, and Emulab are examples of mid-scale infrastructure investments with significant impacts on our field.

Multidisciplinary Research for Online Education Workshop
/Participants explored computer science and multidisciplinary research agendas designed to improve formal and informal education. The workshop built on CCC’s earlier visioning activities on Global Resources for Online Education (GROE), addressing education-relevant research in areas such as intelligent student modeling through data mining, mobile computing for data logging, social networking, serious games, intelligent learning environments, HCI to facilitate educational interactions, computer-supported collaborative learning, interactive visualizations and simulations, and many other areas, to include research at the interface of computing and the social/behavioral sciences. While the workshop built on a rich existing landscape of cyber-enabled education research, it was also informed by very recent developments, such as massively open online courses (MOOCs), that make important dimensions of scale and openness explicit.

Convergence of Software Assurance Methodologies and Trustworthy Semiconductor Design and Manufacture (SA+TS)
/Ensuring that a computer chip or other semiconductor-based component does exactly what it the customer wants it to do—nothing else—is becoming more challenging. Feature sizes continue to shrink and are measured in nanometers, circuits are more complex, and design and manufacture involves a supply chain, typically comprising many businesses worldwide.
Participation in the one-and-a-half day workshop was by invitation only. The output will be a report outlining the problems and areas of research that have the potential to lead to solutions.