Workshop Reports
Visioning workshop reports
CCC-Led White Papers
The CCC provides white papers for the community to highlight important insights on computing research.
Catalyzing Computing Podcast
The CCC’s official podcast, “Catalyzing Computing,” features interviews with researchers and policy makers about their background and experiences in the computing community, as well as recaps of visioning workshops and other events hosted by the CCC.
Event Videos
Since its inception, the Computing Community Consortium has hosted dozens of research visioning workshops to envision and discuss the future of computing research. Watch video recordings of past CCC special events.
Various presentations pertaining to the computing community.
CCC Responds to the Community
Explore CCC responses to requests for comments and other topical issues in the computing community.
Recent CCC Activities
List of CCC-led or supported activities from the past year.
Ongoing CCC Activities
Find out the status of ongoing white papers, reports, and workshops.
CCC by CS Area
This repository contains all the available CCC resources – white papers, reports, event slides, etc. – sorted by the general topic area that they address, and listed in reverse chronological order. Categories are intended to be broad; since categorization is imperfect, many items are included in multiple categories.
CRN Articles
A collection of articles from Computing Research News, a publication of CRA.
Computing Research in Action
Video segments to educate and excite the public about the cutting-edge research being done by computer scientists across the country.
Research Highlights
Computing Research Highlight of the Week highlights some of the exciting and important recent research results in the computing fields.