Computing Visions 2025
The Visions 2025 initiative is intended to inspire the computing community to envision future trends and opportunities in computing research.
Where is the computing field going over the next 10-15 years?
What are potential opportunities, disruptive trends, and blind spots?
Are there new questions and directions that deserve greater attention by the research community and new investments in computing research?
To answer these questions, a steering group of computing leaders drawn from the National Science Foundation (NSF) Computer and Information Science and Engineering Directorate Advisory Committee (CISE AC) and the Computing Community Consortium (CCC) are planning a set of workshops to catalyze cross-computing and cross-disciplinary discussions.
Instead of attempting to cover every area of computing research, the steering committee has chosen three topics to focus on first, with the intention of looking at each from multiple perspectives provided by a diverse selection of participants in the workshops, and with the intention that there will be future workshops on additional topics.
Steering Committee Members
Elizabeth Mynatt, Co-Chair,
Professor, Georgia Tech
James Landay, Co-Chair,
Professor, Cornell Tech
David Culler,
Professor, University of California, Berkeley
Limor Fix,
Retired, Intel
Ed Lazowska,
Professor, University of Washington
Jennifer Rexford,
Professor, Princeton University