CRA Bulletin

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CRA-E REU Support Program Survey

Involving undergraduates in research has many benefits, including giving undergraduates a new perspective on opportunities and providing mentorship. Undergraduate research also contributes to the health of the research and PhD pipeline. Information on research and graduate school as well as a course on research methods are not available to all interested undergraduates. The Education Committee of the Computing Research Association (CRA-E) is planning to create a virtual program to fill this need.

CRA-E is asking members of the community who mentor or plan to mentor undergraduate researchers, to complete this brief survey (2 required questions). Our goal is to create a virtual program that educates undergraduate student researchers about research methods, graduate school, and research careers.  Students will be engaged in discussions with a research community of their peers, drawn from a broad range of institutions. Feedback will allow us to better adapt the program to different needs and audiences.  For your feedback to have maximum impact, please complete the survey by June 10, 2022.

Survey link:

Susanne Hambrusch, Purdue University, CRA-E Co-chair
Lori Pollock, University of Delaware, CRA-E Co-chair
Kelly Shaw, Williams College, CRA-E Board member