CRA-W BECA Award 2015
Natalie Enright Jerger
BECA (Borg Early Career Award)
2015 Recipient
Natalie Enright Jerger is an Associate Professor in the Edward S. Rogers Sr. Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Toronto. Prior to joining the University of Toronto in 2009, she received her MSEE and PhD from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 2004 and 2008, respectively. She received her Bachelor’s degree from Purdue University in 2002. Natalie¹s research interests span a range of topics in computer architecture including interconnection networks, memory systems, many-core architectures and approximate computing. She currently leads a vibrant and enthusiastic group of 9 graduate students and 1 post-doc. She routinely invites undergraduates to do summer research in her lab. Her research has been supported by the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada, the Canadian Foundation for Innovation, Ontario Centres of Excellence, Intel, AMD, Qualcomm and Fujitsu.
Natalie¹s contributions to research have been recognized with several awards including the Ontario Ministry of Research and Innovation Early Researcher Award (2012), the Ontario Professional Engineers Young Engineer Medal (2014) and an Alfred P. Sloan Fellowship (2015). She served as the program co-chair of the 7th Network-on-Chip Symposium and as the program chair of the 20th International Symposium on High Performance Computer Architecture. She is currently an associate editor for IEEE Transactions on Computers, IEEE Computer Architecture Letters and ACM Transactions on Architecture and Code Optimizations. Natalie has served on numerous program committees and conference organizing committees.
Natalie is passionate about mentoring students and is deeply committed to increasing the participation of women in computer science and engineering. She is actively involved in outreach and mentorship both locally and in the computer architecture community. She regularly speaks with high school students to promote interest in engineering. She co-organizes wicarch, an informal networking group of women in computer architecture designed to provide mentoring to female graduate students pursuing research in the field. In 2012, she co-organized a CRA-W/CDC Discipline Specific Mentoring Workshop on Computer Architecture. She has also spoken at several mentoring workshops including CRA-W Grad Cohort.