
10 Women in Networking/Communications That You Should Watch
N2Women is very excited to announce the inaugural list of “10 women in networking/communications that you should WATCH.” The women nominated have all had impact on our field, early in their careers.
Goal: Leadership | Program: External Resource

Academia vs Industry: Choose Your Own Adventure
Goal: Leadership | Program: Grad Cohort

Academia vs. Industry Research Positions
Slides from the Grad Cohort 2018 Workshop. This session will focus on the difference in research positions and opportunities in industry and academia.
Goal: Research | Program: Grad Cohort

Academic Career Paths and Job Search
Slides from the Grad Cohort 2017 Workshop. This session focused on the different career paths in academia. Consider research, teaching, and service, and how they differ by institution and position.
Goal: Graduate School | Program: Grad Cohort

Academic Negotiation
As a faulty member, how can you ensure that you have all that you need? This session discussed negotiating strategies for those in academia.
Goal: Negotiation | Program: Mid Career Mentoring Workshop

Academic Negotiations
This discussion focuses primarily on advice about time and life management in the early years through negotiations. Topics include how and when to ask, how to say no, and how to find resources.
Goal: Negotiation | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop

Accelerated Cloth Simulation for Virtual Try-On
Get the slides, recording and FAQ from Tanya Amert’s research presentation of her recent Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall on accelerated cloth simulation for virtual try-on and Graduate School Applications 101.
Goal: Research | Program: Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall Series

Advising & Supervising Grad Students
Goal: Mentoring | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop

Advising Grad Students
This workshop discussed successful strategies for advising graduate students in research; strategies for effective communication, creating a productive environment, and more.
Goal: Mentoring | Program: Grace Hopper

Balance Demands
This Grace Hopper 2016 session addressed how faculty can balance the various demands of academia, including teaching, research and service.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Grace Hopper

Balancing Graduate School and Personal Life
Slides from the Grad Cohort 2015 Workshop. This session addressed strategies for maintaining balance and a positive perspective in your life during graduate school and throughout your career.
Goal: Graduate School | Program: Grad Cohort

Balancing Graduate School and Personal Life
Goal: Graduate School, Leadership | Program: Grad Cohort

Balancing Workload
Gail C. Murphy and Joanne M. Atlee provide seven tips for identifying the most impactful opportunities to take on and deciding how and when to say no gracefully.
Goal: Mentoring | Program: External Resource

Being an Effective Leader
This panel covered strategies for building and being recognized for your leadership skills, and establishing a long-term leadership role.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Mid Career Mentoring Workshop

Best Practices for Mentors
Learn to be a better mentor by using these best practices recommended by past Career Mentoring Workshop speakers.
Goal: Mentoring | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop, Mid Career Mentoring Workshop

Building Self Confidence
Slides from Grad Cohort 2015 Workshop. This session addressed the confidence crisis that grad students often face: how to recover from not doing as well as you expected.
Goal: Graduate School | Program: Grad Cohort

Building Self Confidence
This session at Grace Hopper 2015 addressed the confidence crisis that graduate students often face. The discussion focused on issues and rewards of continuing towards goals and milestones in grad school.
Goal: Graduate School | Program: Grace Hopper

Building Self Confidence
Slides from the Grad Cohort 2017 Workshop. This session addressed the confidence crisis that graduate students often face and how to persist towards your goals and milestones.
Goal: Graduate School | Program: Grad Cohort

Building Your Academic Professional Network
This Grace Hopper 2016 session addressed how to build an academic professional network. Discussing the benefits of building a professional network, networking skills, and more.
Goal: Networking | Program: Grace Hopper

Building Your Academic Professional Network
This Grace Hopper 2017 session addressed how to build an academic professional network. Discussing the benefits of building a professional network, networking skills, and more.
Goal: Networking | Program: Grace Hopper

Building Your Professional Persona
The dos and don’ts of building a professional image. Including web presence (personal pages and social media), dissemination of technical contributions, and professional ethics.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Grad Cohort

Building Your Professional Persona
Goal: Networking | Program: Grad Cohort

Building Your Professional Persona
This 2017 presentation at Grace Hopper mentored students on how to build a professional image that is “effective in giving others a positive perception of you and your abilities.”
Goal: Mentoring | Program: Grace Hopper

Career Mentoring Workshop Highlights (1993-1999)
This publication is a culmination of a decade of information provided at the CRA-W Career Mentoring Workshops from 1993-1999.
Goal: Mentoring | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop, Mid Career Mentoring Workshop, Publication

Choosing a Dissertation Topic
Goal: Graduate School | Program: Grad Cohort

Choosing a PhD in Computer Science
This CRA-E resource was designed in conjunction with award-winning producer Patrick Sammon (co-producer of “Codebreaker”) to explain the benefits of pursuing a PhD in CS.
Goal: Graduate School | Program: External Resource

Classroom Strategies
This session discusses practical tips for effective computer science teaching and reviews the current pedagogy theories and strategies. Best practices for conducting education research are given.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop

Code Reading Exercise
This exercise helps mentors teach their students how to read and analyze someone else’s code.
Goal: Mentoring | Program: CREU, DREU

CRA-W Best Practices: Guidelines in Running an Inclusive Conference
Created by our CRA-W Board in 2018, here are some tips and and suggestions to ensure that conferences are safe, unbiased, and comfortable for each participant.
Goal: Leadership, Mentoring | Program: Other, Publication

CRA-W Celebrates its 25th Anniversary
This video was created in celebration of CRA-W’s 25th anniversary, providing an overview of the subcommittee’s mission and various programs.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Other

CRA-W GHC Research Scholars Passport
Participants of the CRA-W GHC 2016 Research Scholars program will use this passport to navigate the conference to have a better understanding of the activities that are provided for undergraduate students.
Goal: Research | Program: Grace Hopper
CRA-WP 2025 Prospectus
Goal: | Program:
CRA-WP Poster Session Guidlines
Goal: | Program:

Create a Better Environment in your Research Group
This one pager highlights advice from past Grad Cohort workshops, how working in a research group might not always be easy, but explains how having a strategy will help you create a better environment.
Goal: Research | Program: Grad Cohort

Designing Healthcare Robots for Children with Special Needs
Get the slides, recording and FAQ from Ayanna Howard’s webinar on Designing Healthcare Robots for Children with Special Needs and Finding and Making the Most of an Undergraduate Research Experience.
Goal: Research | Program: Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall Series

Early Career Mentoring Workshop FCRC 2015 Program
At FCRC 2015, CRA-W hosted an early and mid career mentoring workshop. Sessions covered topics ranging from promotion, mentoring, and networking for industry, lab and academic researchers.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop

Early Career Mentoring Workshop SIGCSE 2015 Program
View the program from the Early-CMW at SIGCSE 2015 workshop. Includes sessions, speakers, and information on the location of the 2015 workshop.
Goal: Mentoring | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop

Effective Leadership
This panel covered strategies for building and being recognized for your leadership skills. Strategies for building a long-term leadership role in your organization and recognition of others.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Mid Career Mentoring Workshop

Effective Leadership
This session at Grace Hopper 2015 session covers strategies for building a long-term leadership role in your organization including communication, developing consensus, delegating, and recognizing others.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Grace Hopper

Effective Teaching and Class Management
This workshop focused on how to plan, manage, run and assess a course, as well as deal effectively with large enrollments, Teaching Assistants and more.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop

Effective Teaching and Class Management
This Grace Hopper 21016 session addressed how faculty can teach more effectively and better manage classes. Discussing interactive teaching methods, class planning, course evaluations and more.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Grace Hopper

Effective Teaching and Class Management
This session discussed how to plan, manage, run and assess a course, covering evaluations, large enrollments, teaching assistants, and more.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop

Effective Teaching Tactics
In this session, we will cover both current theories on educational pedagogy as well as very practical suggestions and resources to thrive in the classroom.
Goal: Mentoring | Program: Grace Hopper

Effective Teaching/Class Management
This session discussed how to plan, manage, run and assess a course; covering large enrollments, evaluations, online teaching, and more.
Goal: Leadership | Program: Mid Career Mentoring Workshop

Elevator Talk Exercise
Students learn how to give a brief 2-5 minutes overview of their research interests and start a conversation about research.
Goal: Mentoring | Program: CREU, DREU

Enabling Science Breakthroughs Using Computer Science
Get the slides, recording and FAQ from Deb Agarwal’s webinar on Enabling Science Breakthroughs Using Computer Science and the mentoring session on ‘Becoming a Leader’.
Goal: Research | Program: Virtual Undergraduate Town Hall Series

Ensuring Your Visibility
This session highlighted different approaches on how to gain visibility and recognition within an organization, and how to decide which one is right for your goals and personality.
Goal: Research | Program: Early Career Mentoring Workshop

Entrepreneurial Opportunities & Skills
Goal: Leadership | Program: Grad Cohort

Financially Supporting Your Graduate Education
Goal: Graduate School | Program: Grad Cohort