Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: People

Google Anita Borg Scholarship

Google announced today that the 2007-2008 Google Anita Borg Scholarship will be $10,000 for women recipients in the United States and that it is expanding to Europe this year with a €5,000 scholarship for recipients in Europe. All the details can be found on the Google Blog. The deadline for applications is January 15, 2007. […]

CRA Board Chair and Members Named AAAS Fellows

CRA Board Chair Dr. Daniel Reed has been elected as a fellow to the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Section on Information, Computing, and Communication for “outstanding research in the field of high performance computing, exemplary professional leadership, and distinguished national service” said an article in the Triangle Business Journal. Reed is […]

Freeman to Step Down as AD CISE at NSF in January

Peter Freeman, head of NSF’s Computer and Information Science and Engineering (CISE) Directorate announced today that he’ll be leaving the post in January to take over a new position with the Washington Advisory Group. This isn’t a huge surprise as Peter’s term as Assistant Director of NSF was due to expire in early 2007. Hopefully […]

Highlighting Cyberinfrastructure

NSF Director Arden Bement encouraged colleges and universities to expand high speed networking tools as a path to innovation in a speech to The Chronicle of Higher Education’s Technology Forum yesterday. The Chronicle article on the speech is available for free here for the next five days and then to subscribers only here. A couple […]

Visiting Congress At Home

While CRA highly encourages all computing research community members to attend the annual Congressional Visit Days held in Washington, DC throughout the year, we know it is sometimes difficult to take two or three days to come to the Capitol. Since it is important that everyone be involved in the process and meet with their […]

The Tenure Gender Gap

A National Academies report published this week discussing the gap between women and men in science academia is getting decent press in the national media. Both Newsweek and the New York Times have pieces covering the Academies’ report “Beyond Bias and Barriers: Fulfilling the Potential of Women in Academic Science and Engineering.” Both articles make […]

Position Opening: IT “Image” Strategist

The computing community has an image problem. This is not news to long-time readers of this blog — or indeed, anyone who has followed coverage of IT-related stories in the popular press. Dropping enrollment rates and dropping interest in computing are pretty good signs that that there is a perception among an increasing number of […]