Kevin Butler

Kevin Butler is the Director of the Florida Institute for Cybersecurity Research and a Professor at the University of Florida (UF). Butler joined UF in 2014 as part of the Rising to National Preeminence Hiring Program and was the Arnold and Lisa Goldberg Rising Star Associate Professor in Computer Science prior to promotion to Professor. His research focuses on the security of computing devices, systems, and networks. He received a National Science Foundation CAREER award in 2013, and was named International Educator of the Year within the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering in 2017 for his work on developing global standards for securing digital financial services in the developing world. He is the current co-chair of the International Telecommunication Union’s Security, Infrastructure, and Trust Working Group as part of the Financial Inclusion Global Initiative. I am a Senior Member of the IEEE and ACM. Additionally, he is the technical program co-chair of the 2022 USENIX Security Symposium and conference general chair for ACSAC 2020 and ACSAC 2021. He is also an affiliate faculty member of the Center for Children and Families within the University of Florida’s Levin College of Law.