nmishraNina Mishra

Term of Service on the CCC Council: 2016 – 2019

Nina Mishra is a Principal Scientist at Amazon in Palo Alto, CA.  Her research interests are in data science, data mining, web search, machine learning and privacy. Mishra has over 16 years of experience leading projects in industry at Microsoft Research and HP Labs and over 6 years of experience in academia as Associate Professor at the University of Virginia and Acting Faculty at Stanford University. The projects that Mishra pursues encompass the design and evaluation of new data mining algorithms on real, colossal-sized datasets. She has authored ~50 publications in top venues including: Web Search: WWW, WSDM, SIGIR; Machine Learning: ICML, NIPS, AAAI, COLT; Databases: VLDB, PODS; Cryptography: CRYPTO, EUROCRYPT; Theory: FOCS and SODA. She has been granted 13 patent applications with a dozen more still in the application stage.