CRA-WP Virtual Career Mentoring Workshop Series
This six-week webinar series is designed to help early-career researchers, PhD students and graduates, junior faculty, and professionals navigate key career challenges.
- Dates: October 11 – November 22
- Time: Every Friday at 2:00 pm ET / 11:00 am PT
- Where: Via Zoom
The CRA-WP Virtual Career Mentoring Workshop Series is a six-week program designed to support early-career researchers, PhD students and graduates, junior faculty, and professionals in computing. Through this series, participants will engage with accomplished experts from academia, industry, and government labs who will share their experiences and strategies for navigating career transitions, work-life balance, teaching, collaboration, and more.
Each session will provide actionable insights and practical tools that can be immediately applied to your professional journey. Whether you’re transitioning between roles, seeking to improve your teaching, or exploring industrial collaborations, this series offers valuable mentorship and guidance to help you succeed.
This is an NSF funded program. This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant Number (1840724). Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.
The Virtual Career Mentoring Workshop Series has been opened to the public, the information will be most relevant to those identified under are early career and mid career eligibility criteria. You may still benefit if you are a PhD student who is about to graduate.
Early Career Criteria:
- A postdoctoral associate.
- Early Career is defined as: ~ 1-4 years in field
- In early career as a researcher in academia.
- In early career as a researcher in an industry or government lab.
- In early career as a faculty member in academia.
- Affiliated with an institution in North America, including United States territories.
- Affiliated with an institution, industry, or government lab in North America, including United States territories.
Mid Career Criteria:
- Mid-career is defined as: ~ 5 plus years since graduate school
- Mid-career as a faculty member (i.e. Associate professor) with equivalent experience (i.e. 5 plus years since graduate school).
- Mid-career as a researcher in an industry or government lab with equivalent experience (i.e. 5 plus years since graduate school).
- Interested in preparing themself for advancement to a senior level position.
- Affiliated with an institution in North America, including United States territories.
- Affiliated with an institution, industry, or government lab in North America, including United States territories.
If you have any questions regarding eligibility, please contact
If there are extenuating circumstances for applying beyond the timeframe listed in the eligibility requirements, please make sure you address this in the application. Extenuating Circumstances beyond an applicant’s control include, but are not limited to:
- Documented medical condition or serious illness
- Documented learning disability
- Death of a family member or friend
- Involuntary call to active military duty
- Maternity/family leave
2020 Ph.D., Early & Mid Career Mentoring Workshop – Virtual
- Agenda
- Ph.D. – How to Succeed in a Research Career (Research)
- Ph.D. – How to Succeed in a Research Career (Education)
- Ph.D. – How to Succeed in a Research Career (Lab & Industry)
- Ph.D. – Building Your Brand, Influence & Impact
- Early – Strategies for Advancing Your Career (Research & Education)
- Early – Promotion to the Next Level (Research)
- Early – Promotion to the Next Level (Education)
- Early – Effective Teaching Class Management (Research & Education)
- Early – Building Your Brand, Influence & Impact (Research & Education)
- Early – Building Your Brand, Influence & Impact (Lab & Industry)
- Mid – Strategies for Advancing Your Career (Research & Education)
- Mid – Promotion to the Next Level (Education)
- Mid – Effective Teaching Class Management (Research & Education)
- Mid – Managing Down/Up Students/Dean/Chair (Research & Education)
- Mid – Managing Down/Up (Lab & Industry)
2018 Early & Mid Career Mentoring Workshop – Phoenix, AZ
- Agenda
- Mentoring 101
- Promotion to Next Level
- Promotion to Next Level – Research
- Managing Down/Up
- Networking & Finding Advocates
- Effective Teaching/Class Management
- Academic Negotiation
- 25th Anniversary Panel
2017 Early Career Mentoring Workshop – SIGCSE
- Academic Negotiations
- Classroom Strategies
- Life Balance in an Academic Research Environment
- Mentoring 101
- Networking
- Research Strategies
- Finding the Right Job
- Promotion and Tenure
- Funding Opportunities in Computer Science
2016 Early Career Mentoring Workshop – Washington D.C.
- Agenda
- Effective Teaching/Class Management
- Growing Research/Surviving First 2 Years (Lab)
- Tenure Process (Research)
- Networking & Finding Advocates
- Managing Down/Up (Research)
- Academic Negotiation
- Lab/Industry Negotiation
- Keynote – Fran Berman
2016 Mid Career Mentoring Workshop – Washington D.C.
- Agenda
- Promotion to Next Level (Research)
- Promotion to Next Level (Lab)
- Managing Down/Up (Mid Lab)
- Networking & Finding Advocates
- Managing Down/Up (Research)
- Effective Teaching/Class Management (Education/Research)
- Academic Negotiation (Education/Research)
- Lab/Industry Negotiation
- Keynote – Fran Berman
2015 Mid Career Mentoring Workshop – Education, Research & Lab at FCRC
- Agenda
- Promotion to the Next Technical Step to Professor
- Promotion to the Next Technical Step to Full Professor
- Promotion to the Next Technical Step on the Technical Ladder
- Managing Down, Managing Up
- Effective Leadership
- Leading Initiatives, Building New Programs, Negotiating Skills
- Representing Yourself Outward