Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: People

CNSF Science Exhibition on Hill

David Forsyth, University of Illinois Urbana Champaign, ably represented CRA last night at the Coalition for National Science Funding Science Exhibition on Capitol Hill. Featuring a poster and computer slideshow of his research on inserting synthetic objects into legacy photographs, David spoke to Congressional and Senate staff members, National Science Foundation employees, students and lobbyists […]

Undergrad Computer Science Enrollments Rise for Fourth Straight Year — CRA Taulbee Report

Enrollments in undergraduate computer science programs rose 9.6 percent in the 2011-12 school year, the fourth straight year of increase, according to new data released today by the Computing Research Association. The data, found in the CRA Taulbee Survey report Computing Degree and Enrollment Trends, 2010-2011, compares schools that responded to both this year’s survey […]

Competitiveness and Innovative Capacity of the United States Report Released

The Department of Commerce and National Economic Council today released a new report on “The Competitiveness and Innovation Capacity of the United States” at an event featuring Secretary of Commerce John Bryson followed by a panel of speakers and small group breakout sessions. The report was a Congressional mandate in the COMPETES reauthorization last year. […]

Richard Tapia Awarded Natl. Medal of Science

Computing’s own Richard Tapia, University Professor and Maxfield-Oshman Professor in Engineering at Rice University, will receive the National Medal of Science from President Barack Obama at a White House ceremony this fall. The National Medal of Science is the highest government honor the United States bestows on scientists and engineers. Six other scientists will also […]

Deconstructing the iPad

Chick-fil-A and the iPad – what more could you want at lunch? Well, that’s exactly what the Task Force on American Innovation, along with Rep. Hultgren (R-IL), Rep. McCaul (R-TX), and Rep. Quayle (R-AZ), are offering at tomorrow’s briefing, “Deconstructing the iPad: How Federally Supported Research Leads to Game-Changing Innovation” in 2325 Rayburn at noon. […]

We Want You! – CRA is Hiring!

Here at CRA World HQ, we’re looking for a Program Manager. Below is the official notice. If you or someone you know might be interested, please apply! Send applications and inquiries to The position will remain open until a suitable applicant is found! Program Manager This posting will expire on December 31, 2011. Organization/Institution: […]

CS PostDoc Numbers Surge — We Need Your Input!

(The following is cross-posted with CRA’s Computing Community Consortium blog) The Computing Research Association recently published the results of its annual Taulbee Survey, and the numbers of PostDocs rose to record levels, continuing a trend that we have witnessed for more than a decade — and bringing new meaning to the CRA’s PostDoc white paper effort. Background As we […]

CNSF Exhibition

The Coalition for National Science Funding held another successful Science Exposition on Capitol Hill last night and once again CRA played a part. CRA was ably represented this year by Dr. L. Jean Camp and Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) student Carl Brugger from Indiana University who did a fantastic job showing and explaining their […]

Calling for 2011-12 Computing Innovation Fellows – Applications Due May 31

(Crossposted with the CCC Blog!) Today, the Computing Community Consortium, a standing committee of the Computing Research Association, is pleased to announce a call for 2011-12 Computing Innovation Fellows (CIFellows). The CIFellows Project, established in 2009 with support from the National Science Foundation, offers recent Ph.D. graduates in computer science, computer engineering, information science, or a closely related field an exciting opportunity to […]

CCC Announces Science Policy Institute for Computing Researchers

So, if you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’re probably someone who’d be interested in CRA’s most recent effort to increase science policy literacy amongst the computing research community. Today CRA’s Computing Community Consortium is putting out a Call for Nominations for participants in a workshop hosted by the new CCC Leadership in Science […]