
“Mentoring is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximize their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be.”

– Eric Parsloe, The Oxford School of Coaching & Mentoring

If you seek mentoring, then participate in…

Mentoring through research experiences for undergraduates  (DREU/CREU

Mentoring workshops for graduate students. (Grad Cohort)

Mentoring workshops for early career researchers in academia, industry and government. (Early-CMW

Mentoring workshops for mid-career researchers. (Mid-CMW)

Discipline-specific technical and mentoring workshops in your research area. (DSW

Mentoring at Grace Hopper (Mentoring Tracks at Grace Hopper

Mentoring at Tapia (Mentoring Tracks at Tapia)

If you want to be a mentor…

Host a female undergraduate student from another institution in your research lab for the summer  (DREU). 

Host a female undergraduate student from your institution in your research lab (CREU). 

Apply to be a potential speaker for a Distinguished Lecture Series or Discipline Specific Workshop.

Volunteer with CRA-W.

Other resources:

Best Practices

Tips for a Successful Mentoring Experience (DREU Mentors)


Mailing Lists