Computing Research Policy Blog

Posts categorized under: CRA

CRA Appoints Interim Computing Community Consortium Council

From CRA Executive Director Andy Bernat: We are pleased to announce that the following individuals have agreed to serve on the interim CCC Council. The interim Council will begin immediately to implement the activities envisioned in the CCC proposal (see or the November 2006 Computing Research News). Greg Andrews, Arizona Bill Feiereisen, LANL Susan […]

Computing Community Consortium Ramps Up

As we noted last week, the National Science Foundation has tasked CRA with establishing a Computing Community Consortium that can provide scientific leadership and vision on issues related to computing research and future large-scale computing research projects. Today, the CCC Planning Group released a white paper (pdf, 210kb) with much more detail on the structure […]

Outsourcing Our Snowbird Coverage

So, having caught my breath a bit after a long few days at CRA’s biennial Snowbird “Chairs’ Conference,” I was just setting out to write up a post with some of the highlights of the conference when I saw that Cameron Wilson of ACM’s Technology Policy Blog had already beaten me to the punch. Cameron’s […]

CRA Adds New Policy Staff

CRA is pleased to announce that Melissa Norr will be joining the staff here at CRA World HQ on June 19th to augment our Government Affairs efforts. Melissa is already well-familiar with federal science policy, having come to CRA from the Optical Society of America, where she was the Government and Public Relations Coordinator. She […]

Computing Leaders Praise House Appropriatiors for Innovation Funding

Reacting to yesterday’s good news, CRA and ACM’s U.S. Public Policy Committee issued a joint statement yesterday thanking Rep. Frank Wolf (R-VA) and his colleagues for their efforts. Here’s the full text: June 15, 2006 COMPUTING COMMUNITY LEADERS PRAISE HOUSE APPROPRIATORS FOR INCREASING RESEARCH FUNDING TO AID COMPETITIVENESS Washington, DC — Leaders of the Computing […]

We Want You! (Well, one of you)

Update: (Jun 8, 2006) — The search is over! We’ll have an official announcement soon, but the position is now filled. Blog posting frequency should return to its normal rate (a few times a week) soon! Original Post: As long-time readers of this blog have probably realized, things in CRA’s Washington policy office have been […]

CRA Chair Named to PCAST

Today President Bush announced he is planning to appoint CRA Board Chair Dan Reed, to the newly-expanded membership of the President’s Council of Advisors for Science and Technology. Reed, who is Vice-Chancellor of IT and CIO for the University of North Carolina, and Director of the Renaissance Computing Institute, joins 13 other members named as […]