CRA Bulletin

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Posts categorized under: Industry

Call for Participation: Breadth of Partnership in Academia-Industry Relationships

The following CRA-I workshop is organized by Mary Hall, Amit Jain, and Vivek Sarkar. Collaboration between academia and industry is crucial for driving technological innovation and fostering economic growth. By identifying successful partnership models and a range of effective practices, stakeholders can strengthen these connections to stimulate new ways of engagement between academia and industry.  […]

New CRA Practitioner-to-Professor Survey Launched by CRA-Industry

This article originally appeared in the April edition of Computing Research News. By Matt Hazenbush, Director of Communications  CRA-Industry (CRA-I) is excited to announce the launch of a new National Science Foundation (NSF) supported project between academia and industry. The CRA Practitioner-to-Professor Survey – which will be known as the CRA P2P Survey – is the centerpiece of a […]


Assessing the Community’s Interest on Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PET)

As our world becomes increasingly connected and digital, concerns about data privacy and security are growing. Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PET) are tools and methods designed to protect personal information and enhance user privacy online. Most companies end up using a combination of different PET to ensure that their data remains private and secure.

The Computing Research Association- Industry (CRA-I) committee is interested in hearing from YOU on this topic. Please fill out this survey here and let us know if you would be interested in a roundtable discussion on this topic. 

CRA Accessible Technology for All Workshop participants sitting at round tables at the beginning of the workshop.CRA Accessible Technology for All Workshop participants sitting at round tables at the beginning of the workshop.

CRA Accessible Technology for All Workshop Summary

On February 22-23, 2023 in Washington, DC, the Computing Research Association (CRA) held the Accessible Technology for All Workshop. 

The workshop was attended by over 40 participants from academia, industry, and government and 20 remote participants. The purpose of this workshop was to frame the state of the art of accessible technology, identify forces shaping the evolution of accessible technology, and develop an understanding of implications for the next wave of computer science research in accessibility. By the end of the workshop, important areas of future research were identified and the need for tech-informed policy were highlighted by the participants. A workshop report will be forthcoming. 


CRA-Industry Call for Council Nominations

To fulfill its mission, CRA-I needs visionary leaders — people with great ideas, sound judgment, and the willingness to work collaboratively to see things through to completion. To that end, CRA-I is starting a Council of eventually 21 researchers representing the breadth and diversity of industry today.

Given the support you have provided us in the past, please consider submitting a self-nomination for the Council and help us by nominating outstanding colleagues.

CRA-I Website imageCRA-I Website image

CRA-Industry Announces New Blog!

Computing Research Association-Industry (CRA-I) is pleased to announce the new CRA-I Blog! 

As the committee grows, we would like to share interesting articles, updates, and industry related events in the community with you. If you have any articles you would like us to share on the blog, please let Helen Wright ( know. 

Please make sure to check the website regularly and subscribe to our CRA-I blog email here. If you subscribed to CRA-I’s updates within the past year, you will already be receiving the blog email. 

We look forward to sharing ideas through this blog with you!


Industry Report from CRA’s Conference at Snowbird

One of the tracks during the July 2022 Computing Research Association’s (CRA) flagship conference at Snowbird, Utah was “Computing in Industry,” which covered how research is conducted in industry and the partnership between industry and academia. This fall CRA-Industry (CRA-I) has been processing the discussions, slides, and notes from this track and our Inaugural CRA-I Meeting at Snowbird. We are pleased to release a report highlighting the common themes that emerged. It is clear that there is a much needed role for CRA-I in the community. The presentations and subsequent discussions showcased where the industry community is right now and what needs to be worked on with CRA-I’s help.

Accessible Technology for AllAccessible Technology for All

CRA Workshop on “Accessible Technology for All”

The Computing Research Association (CRA) is planning an Accessible Technology for All workshop co-hosted by CRA-Industry (CRA-I), Computing Community Consortium (CCC), and CRA-Widening Participation (CRA-WP) on February 22-23, 2023 in Washington, DC.  This workshop is one of the activities CRA is currently pursuing under the umbrella of Socially Responsible Computing, one of the topics identified in the recent CRA Strategic Planning Effort.


CRA Community Members to Speak on Social Responsibility in Computing

Chris Ramming, Senior Director for Research and Innovation at VMWare, will be a speaker at the Symposium on the Future of Computing Research held by the University of Southern California’s Information Sciences Institute on September 12-13, 2022. Ramming is a member of both the CRA Board of Directors and the Computing Research Association-Industry (CRA-I) Steering Committee. His talk will discuss how to plan collaborative research between universities and companies and how researchers should tackle twenty-first century problems.

Industry reportIndustry report

Best Practices on Using the Cloud for Computing Research Report Released

Cloud computing has emerged as critical infrastructure for most enterprises worldwide and has become essential for computing research. It has introduced a revolutionary model in which computing resources can be used to store, manage, process, and share data thereby enabling novel workloads and efficiencies of scale. This is in contrast to the traditional model of enterprises relying entirely on acquiring and maintaining in-house local servers and personal computers. 

The Computing Research Association‘s newest committee, Computing Research Association-Industry (CRA-Industry), held its first workshop organized by Vivek Sarkar (Georgia Tech) and Fatma Özcan (Google) on Best Practices on Using the Cloud for Computing Research in March 2022. This workshop was built on a very successful September 2021 virtual roundtable discussion. It continued the momentum, and identified best practices on using the cloud for computing research in three different focus areas: research, education, and collaboration.

Best Practices on Using the Cloud for Computing Research Workshop

The Computing Research Association’s newest committee, Computing Research Association-Industry, held their first workshop at the end of March on Best Practices on Using the Cloud for Computing Research. It brought together 30 participants in a hybrid format in Washington, DC from industry, academia, and government. This workshop was based off of a very successful September 2021 roundtable event, in which over 50 members of the community attended. The goal of the workshop was to continue the momentum from the roundtable and identify best practices on using the cloud for computing research in three different areas, education, collaboration, and research.

Industry Virtual roundtableIndustry Virtual roundtable

Virtual Roundtable on Building Stronger Regional Academia-Industry-Government Computing Research Partnerships

The Computing Research Association-Industry Committee is delighted to announce an upcoming virtual Roundtable on Building Stronger Regional Academia-Industry-Government Computing Research Partnerships on Wednesday, April 27th from 3:00-4:30 PM ET. Regional hotspots for innovative and high impact computing research, including the Boston area and Silicon Valley, are iconic. But how did these regions develop as they did and what are key elements in the collaboration between academia, industry, and government that make them successful?

In this roundtable, CRA-Industry will convene computing research partners across academia, industry, and government from Atlanta, Georgia to understand elements of successful approaches and to discuss the value of partnerships and best practices leading to success.

Confirmed speakers include Erwin Gianchandani (National Science Foundation Senior Advisor for Translation, Innovation, and Partnerships), Charles Isbell (Dean of Computing and The John P. Imlay Jr. Chair at Georgia Tech), Phyllis Schneck (Vice President and Chief Information Security Officer for Northrop Grumman) and Peter M. Williams (Director of Community Strategy & Engagement for BlackRock Atlanta). Read more about them here.

Please register here if you are interested in joining the webinar.


CRA-Industry Senior Program Associate Position Open

The Computing Research Association (CRA) seeks a full-time employee to join our team as a Senior Program Associate for the CRA Industry standing committee (CRA-Industry). CRA-Industry is a newly formed standing committee that convenes industry partners on computing research topics of mutual interest and connects our partners with CRA’s academic and government constituents for mutual […]


Registration Open for First CRA-Industry Committee Virtual Roundtable: Corporate Responsibility and Computing Research

The CRA-Industry Committee is hosting a series of virtual roundtable meetings focused on issues of interest to our computing research industry partners. The first roundtable, “Corporate Responsibility and Computing Research” will be held on July 14, 2021 from 4:00-5:30 PM ET. In order to attend this event, please register here. Please forward this to your appropriate colleagues and encourage them to attend!


CRA Committee on Industry/Academia Interactions Releases Report

Recent trends such as increasing industry demands for technical talent from academia, as well as changes in the academic environment with increased industry interactions have prompted the need for a fresh look at the relationships between academia and industry. A CRA ad hoc committee on Industry/Academia Interactions was studied these trends and determined how CRA can have an impact.